For many men, thinning hair, hair loss, and bald spots can be a source of embarrassment. Baldness, or alopecia, is total or partial loss of hair. This is often a hereditary condition that occurs more frequently in males than females because it depends on the influence of the male hormone testosterone. Nourishing and protecting your hair and scalp are the keys to maintaining a healthy head of hair. Follow these hair care rules. A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health are good for your hair.
1. Take a break from the hair dryer. Hair strands are composed of dead protein, so the more you expose hair to heat, the more susceptible it is to damage and breakage. Let hair dry naturally whenever possible.
2. Scalp Massage with a natural oil helps stimulate circulation of the scalp and remove dead skin and deposits that may get in the way of healthy hair growth and the health of the follicles which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance. Every time you wash your hair, be sure to massage the scalp as well.
3. Herbal - An herbalist may suggest a daily intake of rosemary tea or nettle tea. Equisetum arvense (field horsetail), Avena sativa (oats) and Echinacea are effective in combating hair loss and nourishing hair follicles. Visit an herbalist first before deciding on these treatments.
4. Protect hair from the sun. Every time you head outdoors for a round of golf, a day at the beach, or any other outdoor activity, your hair is exposed to the sun. Just as your skin can get too much sun, so can your hair, leaving it dried out, damaged, and vulnerable to breakage and hair loss. Use a comfortable hat when you go out in the sun to protect your hair. This is one of the best hair loss treatment.
5. Avoid all types of processing on your hair as much as possible, like coloring, straightening, perming, highlighting, blowing dry excessively, straight ironing, curling irons and any other high heat or harsh chemical methods of styling the hair. These will just aggravate your condition by further weakening the internal structure and chemical bonds of the hair shaft, as well as drying the scalp and irritating it further, making the hair fall out more easily at the root.
6. Aromatherapy - A scalp massage with essential oils such as fenugreek, ginger, cypress, lavender and rosemary are suggested to help with hair loss. Blend 2 drops of essential oil to 15ml (1 tablespoon) of carrier oil, such as jojoba.
1. Take a break from the hair dryer. Hair strands are composed of dead protein, so the more you expose hair to heat, the more susceptible it is to damage and breakage. Let hair dry naturally whenever possible.
2. Scalp Massage with a natural oil helps stimulate circulation of the scalp and remove dead skin and deposits that may get in the way of healthy hair growth and the health of the follicles which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance. Every time you wash your hair, be sure to massage the scalp as well.
3. Herbal - An herbalist may suggest a daily intake of rosemary tea or nettle tea. Equisetum arvense (field horsetail), Avena sativa (oats) and Echinacea are effective in combating hair loss and nourishing hair follicles. Visit an herbalist first before deciding on these treatments.
4. Protect hair from the sun. Every time you head outdoors for a round of golf, a day at the beach, or any other outdoor activity, your hair is exposed to the sun. Just as your skin can get too much sun, so can your hair, leaving it dried out, damaged, and vulnerable to breakage and hair loss. Use a comfortable hat when you go out in the sun to protect your hair. This is one of the best hair loss treatment.
5. Avoid all types of processing on your hair as much as possible, like coloring, straightening, perming, highlighting, blowing dry excessively, straight ironing, curling irons and any other high heat or harsh chemical methods of styling the hair. These will just aggravate your condition by further weakening the internal structure and chemical bonds of the hair shaft, as well as drying the scalp and irritating it further, making the hair fall out more easily at the root.
6. Aromatherapy - A scalp massage with essential oils such as fenugreek, ginger, cypress, lavender and rosemary are suggested to help with hair loss. Blend 2 drops of essential oil to 15ml (1 tablespoon) of carrier oil, such as jojoba.