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Baseball Hitting Tips - Power 10

We have recorded BP efficiency and found the following results: Pops, chops, routine ground balls, and with every pitch, they try to slam it.
The going rate of hard hits is 3 or 4 out of 10.
It is important that hitters take BP at a comfort level.
However, it is good to finish with what we call a "Power-10" focusing on hitting the ball hard with super contact every time.
Here are the guide lines: A hitter may choose which pitches to hit.
But call a strike if he takes a good pitch.
Scoring: Hard Hit = 1 point Week hit = 0 points Swing and miss/foul/strike = -1 A hitter strives for at least 7 out of 10...
That is the minimum that we strive for.
If a hitter is not at that level, he needs to work for that.
In our general research, we have found that by making hitters do a Power-10 in their batting practice baseball hitting drills, hitters will strive to hit each ball well, and batting practice will be more meaningful.
Players who do their Power-10 at the completion of BP have these results in their regular batting: Efficiency at least 80%:Batting average over .
400 70-80%Mid .
300 batting average Less than70%.
280 - .
300 batting average Do this with correct fundamentals against good pitching.
Hitters should concentrate more on hitting the balls hard and sharply rather than hitting everything deep.
Benefits will show up in their batting averages.
If time permits, players can do more than one Power-10.
With these baseball batting drills, they look forward to the challenge of getting better each time.
Power-10 ...
A Simple way to increase hitting performance.
It will improve concentration and accuracy to the ball.
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