Health & Medical Depression

Remedies Herbs Depression Oh My! -Everything You Need to Know About Herbal Remedies For Depression

Depression is a serious illness that must be treated immediately.
However, most of the available depression medications result in some serious side effects that can be sometimes life-threatening.
An effective alternative is to practice remedies herbs depression.
These herbal remedies for depression can work very well for many people.
Remedies Herbs Depression: In the U.
alone, nearly 20 million people are suffering with chronic symptoms of depression.
There are many more who had experienced some or the other form of depression at some point of life.
Interestingly, a major fraction of these individuals have used antidepressants as a treatment option so as to get relief from the symptoms of depression.
Ironically, all these commonly used medications can cause serious ramifications or side effects that include seizures, sedation, sexual dysfunction, heart arrhythmias, nausea, diarrhea and anxiety.
In certain cases, these drugs can even result in a coma and death.
As a result of these, more people are now looking towards natural cures for depression for getting relief from their depression symptoms.
Why Use Herbal Remedies For Depression: Since early times, herbs and plants have formed an important part of the medicinal system.
In fact, ancient systems of medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine are completely based on herbal extracts for curing illnesses.
A variety of natural cures for depression are available that are very much effective in treating symptoms of depression.
The most significant advantage of using herbal remedies for depression is that they are naturally occurring compounds that are easily available and do not cause any major side effects.
Some popularly used remedies herbs depression are described below:
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids have been known to be extremely essential for normal development and functioning of the brain.
    However, recent research reports suggest that by using omega 3 depression can be reduced effectively.
    In fact, certain statistical studies suggest that in countries like Japan and Thailand, incidence of depression is almost ten times less than in any other part of the world.
    Many believe this is because these countries are the largest fish consumers and fishes are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • More on Omega 3 fatty acids: they consist of primarily a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids mostly available in fish oils derived from cold water sea fishes such as sardines, salmon, anchovies, mackerel and trout.
    Apart from these, omega 3 fatty acids are also available in certain plant sources such as oil derived from flaxseeds and nuts like almond and walnut.
    Even Soybean and Canola oils contain omega 3 fatty acids in small amounts.
    By combining antidepressants with omega 3 depression you create a more effective treatment than using antidepressants alone.
  • St.
    Wort: Also known as Hypericum perforatum, St.
    John's Wort is a herb popularly used in Europe, U.
    S and several other countries for treating mild to moderate symptoms of depression.
Apart from these, there are certain other natural cures for depression that are commonly used.
Some of these include 5-hydroxy tryptophan extracted from Griffonia simplicifolia, folic acid present in various green leafy vegetables and S-adenosyl-L-Methionine present in many fruits and vegetables.
However, before using any of the above remedies herbs depression, you will want to consult your physician to make sure these natural cures for depression are right for you.
Many people have found these herbal remedies for depression were just what they were looking for and maybe you will be one too.
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