Home & Garden Antiques & Arts & Crafts

Finding the Right Equipment for Making Soap at Home With Lye

Making your own soap at home from scratch can be extremely rewarding.
Once you learn your own technique and how to get the measurements right, you will be able to make your own healthy soap for nursing your skin and your family.
You'll also be able to make wonderful gifts for family and friends with your special custom soap bars and shapes, and maybe down the road you can sell your special soap recipes and soap bars for a profit and bring in a little part-time income.
But you really need to start with the right equipment and ingredients before you are able to successfully make soap from scratch.
If you aren't really serious about learning soap from scratch but you still want to make your own soap home, you may want to just grab a melt and pour soap making kit which contains a premade soap base which you can melt and a stainless steel container and add your own ingredients such as colorings or fragrances or ground-up oatmeal or whatever else you want to use to customize or soap.
But if you want to learn to make soap from scratch, which can be very rewarding like I said before, you will have to commit to learning the right process in developing your own technique.
I keep saying this because it is likely that you may fail the first couple times to reach trace when you are mixing your chemicals and oil, so you will need to have the patience in order to start over again and make the changes you need to get things right the next time.
Just keep your mind focused on the results of what you'll be able to do for your family with your own healthy homemade soap and the gifts you'll be able to make as well.
And that will probably help you enjoy the process because by making your own soap in a way you are bringing more love into your family.
You want to be able to heat your soap in the right containers.
You don't want containers that are made with minerals that could potentially come out of the container and mess up the chemical process of making soap.
For example, if you use iron, you know that whatever you cook in an iron container will come out with some iron and the product or in the food or whatever you're cooking.
So don't use aluminum, iron, or tin when you are making soap.
I recommend using a stainless steel container.
You will need pure lye, not Drano for making soap.
So you will need to get some one hundred percent sodium hydroxide which is a lye, and you can usually find this at the local hardware store.
If you can't find it the hardware store you may need to purchase it online.
And if you're just starting out with making soap from scratch, then you won't really need to have a huge amount of different ingredients like oils and fragrances, just get the basics to start with.
So you want pure distilled or softened water, not hard tap water.
And you'll need oil to mix with the soap base in order to be converted to soap.
So one of the most commonly used oils for making soap is olive oil.
And you can use olive oil in the recipe to make Castile soap.
Now remember when you get your olive oil that it should be 100% pure olive oil.
I say this because you can go to many grocery stores and look at bottles the say olive oil on the front label, when you look at the back label you will see some other ingredients sometimes.
So just make sure it's 100% pure olive oil.
Now you will be handling why which is a caustic and potentially dangerous chemical that can burn your skin if you're not careful with it.
So you need to handle using rubber gloves and you should also wear safety goggles and be careful from breathing in the fumes when you're mixing it.
So make sure you have olive this equipment and the right ingredients before you start making soap home from scratch.
Without the right ingredients you won't be able to make soap.
And it's a really good idea to run the process over and over in your head with some positive music before you start making soap to get you in a positive mood and to try to make sure that you will have a good chance of getting it right the first time because you've studied the right techniques.
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