Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Increased Search Engine Traffic - Organic Vs Paid

Organic Traffic vs.
Paid Traffic - What's the Difference?
Today I am going to discuss the differences between organic traffic and paid traffic.
It is very important for business owners to understand this, so that they can learn the different techniques on how to capitalize on both models.
Traffic is what matters on the internet and your ability to get traffic to your website AND convert this traffic to some form of action, will be the biggest factors determining your success on-line.
Think of it this way.
Imagine that you just spend thousands and thousands of dollars to create the perfect website for your business and your products.
Now what? Where are the customer's? You just spent all of this money, surely they will come, right? WRONG!! Remember this statistic - there are 1 Trillion unique websites in the world and 1.
7 billion people on-line.
That's a lot of websites to compete with, but don't worry, there are some easy ways to make sure that you get in front of this huge parade of passing people and stand out from your competition.
Usually when you do a search the results will be split up into 2 sections - the left side of the search page know as "Organic Search" and the right side of the search page know as "Paid Search".
There will also be a an indication for the paid search, as it will say "Sponsored Links" above the search terms.
The only time that it will not say "Sponsored Links" is when the keyword that you are searching for, is not a strong or popular keyword and therefore no one is advertising.
If you were to click on any of the ads under the "Sponsored Links" section, that advertiser or that company is getting charged by Google a certain amount to list their advertising there and this is called "PPC" or Pay Per Click Internet Marketing.
They are attempting to get increased search engine traffic by paying for it from Google.
So all the ads under the "Sponsored Links" section cost the advertiser money whereas all ads on the left hand side are free to the advertiser and this is called "Organic Search".
You must grasp this concept, because your on-line marketing tactics need to utilize both strategies.
Just Remember: Sponsored Links = Paid Search (usually you will see this only on the right hand side of the page, but if there are enough advertisers then it may also appear at the top of the page, like it does above.
If the ads show up at the top of the page, there will always be a tan box behind the ad, which tells you that these advertisers are paying Google to get increased search engine traffic.
The word PPC that you see above stands for Pay Per Click also knows as Pay Per Click Internet Marketing, which means that every time someone clicks on that website, that website is getting charged by Google a certain fee, for Google allowing them to advertise in their space.
This is why Google is the largest media company in the world valued at over $90 billion dollars.
Google at it's core is a marketing company, because that is how they make all their money.
They provide you with free tools and free search, but they make their billions in Pay Per Click Internet Marketing.
Organic Search = Free Search or the left hand side of Google Search.
These websites are NOT paying Google anything and they are showing up in this very favorable location, because they have mastered what is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
So how does this affect your business and your marketing strategy? You must understand the basics if you are to have success on-line which will then drive increased search engine traffic to your website.
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