Business & Finance Finance

The Euro Crisis - Did it Just Happen Or Was it Planned?

Co-Dependency To illustrate a very simple point in a very simple way, let's say that the Germans like to save their money for the cold, rainy days they know are coming, and that the Greeks like to spend too much time partying on their sunny, beautiful beaches.
Why should the Germans and everyone else -- like the U.
in particular who has enough problems of its own -- be dragged along in this co-dependent lunacy of having to bail them out when the inevitable happens? Far more important for the long-term greater good, is it the right thing to do? Isn't it obvious to anyone with adult experience in life that brick walls would eventually be hit, like the Germans telling the Greeks, "You Greeks have to live according to our German way of doing things as a condition for your drunk driving bailout.
" With just a little foresight, who could have possibly, seriously thought this would ever fly? The great minds of Europe set up a framework for never-ending cycles of enabling and co-dependency, cultural identity clashes and the kind of contagious chaos we now see spreading throughout Europe.
As with our Greek example -- think twittered-out, reckless teenager -- regardless of how they may have made a mess for themselves, the reckless ones would rather go down in economic flames, not caring one twit who or what they take with them, before they would ever "surrender" their centuries-old cultural identity and independence -- who cares what it cost.
"Economic Efficencies" may have been the stated goal at the outset, but the chaos that comes with all co-dependency is now the acutal end result that is driving EVERYTHING! Like any parent who has experienced the co-dependency nightmare will tell you, it's to Hell and Back before you can break this vicious cycle once it gets started -- if ever.
Or put another way, the rascals of the family are bound and determined to rule the family.
Unless, of course, the adults in the room stand up, draw the line, and say, that's it, no more, and back it up with the appropriate, consistent action.
European leaders need to get themselves into a 12 step Alanon program -- tout suite! One of the first things they will learn is that as long as there is one vulnerable enabler within reach who "thinks" they're stuck cleaning up the messes of the reckless ones, there is no reason, no self-preservation instinct that kicks in to change the predatory mindset of the "I'm entitled, you're responsible" type for the better.
The vicious cycle of enabling/co-dependency will just continue on and on.
Planned Co-Dependency? With all of this said, maybe co-dependency is really what the great minds of Europe were looking to accomplish from the very beginning of this whole exercise.
In other words, establish built-in, perpetual justification for the highly-concentrated power "needed" to fix the same recurring problems, which, of course, they set up in the first place.
Perhaps what the Euro's founders envisioned from the get-go was a simple two step process.
First, establish a monetary union that is doomed to fail without the fiscal union necessary to control spending, budgets etc.
Then, when the transitional phase of planned, co-dependent chaos arrives, they're ready with, "Well, we've established the Euro as a world currency, and can always print more.
Not to mention, it'll be a piece of cake suckering some of the world's deep pockets (think U.
) into our bailout party which will bring us to step two...
" At the outset, there is no way member countries of the European union would have ever agreed to surrendering sovereign control of both monetary and fiscal policy at the same time.
The Brits got it right and kept the Sterling.
So the strategy is to get step one of monetary union rolling first.
And then, as the anticipated crisis mounts, to save the grand vision of the "United States of Europe," the second step of fiscal union is activated with acquiescence to statements like, "We've come this far...
can't turn back now...
what other choice is there?" Thus, the original goal is accomplished whereby all co-dependent roads now lead to Brussels where there is a concentration of monetary and fiscal control over EVERYTHING.
Progressive? Is this how you would define progressive? Or is it a swing backwards to the Medician/Machiavellian times of old Europe, where the self-anointed few are only concerned with concentrating power to control more? The only thing progressing right now is institutionalized chaos and the mounting price tag that goes with it for the average, hard-working person.
The good people of all the countries and cultures that comprise Europe should be reminded that the United States of America was formed, first and foremost, to get the heck away -- a whole ocean away -- from these power and control games.
A Cautionary Tale For The U.
Where are the U.
leaders who will truly look after the best interests of the average person who doesn't get to sit in on these lunatic planning sessions that result in disaster? Where are the U.
leaders whose natural-born, relentless instinct and ever-present first priority is to keep the focus, at all times, on the simple basics of life that throughout time and history have always trumped and taken priority over any clique-driven, self-serving ideological agenda? You know, simple, corny, old-fashioned stuff like you can't spend more than you make.
Here's some more corny stuff: staying grounded with fundamental life principles that have never and will never be denied is the simple -- that's right, simple -- way to avoid building these colossal houses of cards that eventually come tumbling down on the average, hard-working person with a big, fat cleanup bill attached.
The tough part: it takes guts.
Who's got guts? The backbone that skipped my generation.
We can learn from the Euro Crisis and not get ourselves caught in a vicious cycle that will be mighty difficult to break -- if we aren't there already.
And the costs? We're already having to learn new math terms to describe more and more zeros.
However, my personal opinion is that the generations following the Budget-Busting Boomers -- of which I am one -- will have the backbone that skipped my generation and say, "Not going to happen on our watch! No way, no how.
" Back to basics is the way forward.
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