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How to Help Santa Go Green by Creating an Online Christmas Wish List

Still sending snail mail to Santa? This year, make things easier, hop in front of the computer and create an online Christmas wish list with your child.
Santa will thank you and so will your friends and family.
With the click of a button, they can view your child's Christmas wish list to get gift ideas for the holiday season.
Ask your child to give your his Christmas wish list ideas.
In fact, you can even sit down together to add items to his online Christmas wish list.
Why create a Wish List? Companies who manufacture toys, apparel and accessories for children ramp up their promotions during the holiday season.
Children take notice of their advertisements and quickly decide which items they want to add to their Christmas wish lists.
They'll even go as far as to tell you the price, where they saw the item and describe the advertisement or commercial they saw.
Listen to their ideas as it will make creating an online Christmas wish list that much easier.
You can start creating your child's wish list a little before the Thanksgiving holiday.
This gives you plenty of time to share the wish list with friends and family who typically purchase gifts for your child.
People like to plan their holiday shopping in advance, so as a courtesy, send your child's list early.
It's especially necessary for long distance friends and family.
You can constantly update your child's wish list down to the last minute and it'll update for each person you send it to.
Share Your Wish Lists with Ease Friends and family start calling and emailing as the holiday season draws near.
They're not just calling to discuss dinner plans, they also want figure out what types of gifts they should get your child for the holidays.
You can send family and friends a link to your child's online wish list via email, Facebook or through Twitter.
Increasingly, people are using social media to keep in touch, so this feature boasts huge benefits for families who live in different states and countries, yet stay connected online.
Take Advantage of Online Savings Sales promotions can help you stay on budget this holiday season and decide which stores to shop in for gifts for your children.
Pass the savings along to friends and family by only adding sale items to your child's Christmas wish list.
You can even add the same item to your child's wish list several times, but from different stores.
This way, friends and family can see which stores offer the best pricing at the time they make their gift purchases.
Avoid Holiday Mall Madness Gift giving is fun, but the fun can come to an end when you realize you'll have to endure long lines at the mall to return gifts your kids received.
Common gift-giving snafus include family and friends buying gifts your kids won't use, getting clothes and shoes in the wrong sizes or receiving the same gift twice or three times.
An online list helps prevent those mishaps, making gift giving hassle-free.
Family and friends can check your child's wish list to see exactly what she wants, the size she needs and whether the gift has already been purchased.
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