Health & Medical Depression

A Top Way to Overcome Depression - Overcome Envy

Without doubt, without alteration and without exception, a greater group and percentage of the most depressed and miserable people in life are those filled with envy.
Envy kills your happiness, it disorganizes your thinking, it eats away your soul, it destroys your emotions, it reduces your visions and it steals your joy.
People with envy have no other thoughts occupying their minds than the need and desire for what someone else already has and as a result, this leads to a build up of depression, resentment and strife with the individual.
If you think you are free from this, then you have every reason to be happy but before you rejoice, then ask yourself these questions.
Do I always act defensive? If someone's name pops up in a conversation or in a talk, do I feel happy or do I find myself feeling good because something bad has happened to them? Do I find it hard to compliment others? Have I become suspicious of those who have achieved more than me? Do I trust people I love or am I always checking up on them? Do I fill my mind with what other people are buying, wearing or what they do and who they associate with? Do I always want more than others? The bible says it all "envy can eat you up.
" Proverbs 14:30.
If you fall into any of these categories then you would know that a major cause of your depression is envy.
So if you are ready to change and overcome your depressed state, here are 4 tips to help you achieve that.
1 Mind power: Develop a strong mental attitude of who you are because only you can be the best you.
Look into the mirror, smile to yourself and repeat these words, "I am filled with every spiritual blessings from the heavenly places.
" 2 Unveil yourself: You have to admit you have a problem and dropping the mask and shield is a first leg to freedom.
3 Repent: Release yourself, ask for God's help.
Even if you don't know how, just say " God, I know I have been acting so bad, please forgive me and help me love my neighbors with all my heart from now on.
" 4 Pray for those you envy: This may sound really awkward, but as you keep doing this, you heart and spirit will change because you will become filled with more love.
5 Celebrate: begin and learn to celebrate other people's success, knowing that no one can be good at being you.
You are filled with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places.
You will begin to appreciate your uniqueness and God's role in your life.
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