Health & Medical Men's Health

The Many Benefits of the Extagen Ingredient - Nettle - For Penis Enlargement at Home

J3 Labs, the manufacturers of the male enhancement herbal supplement Extagen, has published the full ingredient list of Extagen on their web site.
While they keep details of the manufacturing process as well as the proportions at which the ingredients are included secret, a simple listing of the ingredients tells potential customers a great deal about the potential of the supplement.
Many of the ingredients, such as Yohimbe and Maca root, are well known for their sexual benefits.
Other of the listed ingredients are less well known.
Here we examine one of these lesser known ingredients, nettle.
Nettle is a flowering plant that is commonly found growing wild in North America, northern Europe, and most of Asia.
Many varieties of nettle contain hairs on the stalks that inject chemical compounds when touched that cause a burning sensation.
These nettles are referred to as "stinging nettles.
" Nettles, both the stinging and non-stinging kind, have been used for centuries as food as well as in the traditional folk medicines of a number of cultures.
Stringing nettles are usually soaked or scraped to remove the stinging hairs.
Native American tribes used to consume nettle in the early spring when other edible plant sources had not yet begun growing, and nettle soups are considered delicacies in Romania and Sweden.
While not a staple of the modern American diet, some southern dishes occasionally substitute nettle for spinach.
Of course, none of this really addresses the question of why J3 Labs chose to add nettle to Extagen.
While J3 Labs is silent on the issue, one possibility for its inclusion is that nettle has been shown to contain chemicals that are known to prevent the body from breaking down the sex hormone testosterone.
Indeed, bodybuilders have begun to use nettle extract for this reason since testosterone is also important in the muscle growth process.
Nettle is just one of the many herbal extract that are used in Extagen.
Its testosterone enhancing properties are the most likely reason that J3 Labs chose to include nettle in their Extagen formula.
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