Well it actually happening, what the experts have been trying to perfect for years is here, 3D has well and truly arrived and looks as if it is now here to stay.
Concerts, movies and even sporting events are being produced in 3D, which adds that extra dimension of realism and enjoyment.
In the past it hasn't quite worked that way, now they seem to have cracked it.
The most exciting thing of all is that although we think it's great now, it can only get better.
Look at Avatar, a few years ago it wouldn't have been so well done or been anywhere near as successful.
This is my top 3 movies that have been made using 3D technology.
If you haven't seen them you should check them out and see how much this technique has come on in recent years.
In 3rd place we have the stunning U2, this stands out as it was the first movie of its kind to bring a concert to life in the sense that we really felt as if we were there.
This is an outstanding example of how the technology can be used in a completely different medium to ordinary movie making.
The quality of the sound and visuals are second to none.
Everyone I spoke to who were lucky enough to see this felt exactly the same as I did.
When you consider how few tickets for events like this actually go on sale, the sheer volume of people that more of these would attract is incredible.
2007 saw the release of Beowulf.
This film had to be watched with the 3D glasses on.
The ordinary version which you watched normally was really nothing very special.
Then when you popped on those glasses to watch the 3D version, the effects were fantastic.
It enjoyed both critical and box office success and was really forerunner of the movies which have been released since.
Many critics agree, as well as ordinary viewers, myself included.
No prizes for guessing what is top of my list, could it be anything else other than James Cameron's masterpiece of 3D cinema, Avatar? The story has been criticized, but when a movie is produced which such visual beauty and is like nothing that has ever been seen before, so what? There has been a lot of time and effort put into this film, and now watch it reap its rewards come Oscar night.
Concerts, movies and even sporting events are being produced in 3D, which adds that extra dimension of realism and enjoyment.
In the past it hasn't quite worked that way, now they seem to have cracked it.
The most exciting thing of all is that although we think it's great now, it can only get better.
Look at Avatar, a few years ago it wouldn't have been so well done or been anywhere near as successful.
This is my top 3 movies that have been made using 3D technology.
If you haven't seen them you should check them out and see how much this technique has come on in recent years.
In 3rd place we have the stunning U2, this stands out as it was the first movie of its kind to bring a concert to life in the sense that we really felt as if we were there.
This is an outstanding example of how the technology can be used in a completely different medium to ordinary movie making.
The quality of the sound and visuals are second to none.
Everyone I spoke to who were lucky enough to see this felt exactly the same as I did.
When you consider how few tickets for events like this actually go on sale, the sheer volume of people that more of these would attract is incredible.
2007 saw the release of Beowulf.
This film had to be watched with the 3D glasses on.
The ordinary version which you watched normally was really nothing very special.
Then when you popped on those glasses to watch the 3D version, the effects were fantastic.
It enjoyed both critical and box office success and was really forerunner of the movies which have been released since.
Many critics agree, as well as ordinary viewers, myself included.
No prizes for guessing what is top of my list, could it be anything else other than James Cameron's masterpiece of 3D cinema, Avatar? The story has been criticized, but when a movie is produced which such visual beauty and is like nothing that has ever been seen before, so what? There has been a lot of time and effort put into this film, and now watch it reap its rewards come Oscar night.