Online poker has massively grown in popularity over recent years, mainly due to it being more accessible than traditional poker for most people. A wide range of games are available, with both very low and very high stakes, meaning many have been able to begin enjoying poker- from seasoned professionals to new beginners. Although there are endless strategies to implement when playing poker, the fundamentals of the game are reasonably basic.
There is a variety of different poker games played around the world - but the standard version works like this. During each 'round', players bet chips, which cumulate into a stockpile, the aim being to win this stockpile by having the best hand of cards at the end of the round. At first, each player is usually dealt three cards. Then a set of cards is laid out in the middle of the table (typically three) with one more added at each stage of the round; at the final stage there will be five cards there. From the cards the player has (which are kept secret from other players) and the cards in the middle of the table, a 'hand' must be made. The best hand wins the round.
There are a number of different hands - the best being a royal flush, which consists of five cards of the same suit in card order, with an ace as the highest card. Other hands include a 'three of a kind' (three of the same type of card, for example three queens) and a 'flush' (a set of cards of the same suit). The player with the highest ranking hand wins the round.
If a player thinks they have a weak hand and therefore a low chance of winning, they may 'fold', which means to opt out of the round. This way they don't have to bet anymore money. Alternatively, they may choose to 'bluff' - bet a high number of chips (that all other players must match) to make them believe they have a very strong hand, so they fold.
Many websites offer free poker online. Of course, the majority that offer some sort of financial prize do charge a fee. But if you're just looking to play for the fun of the game, generally you are simply required to sign up. Be careful not to provide any kind of credit card details if you don't wish to play with money.
There is a variety of different poker games played around the world - but the standard version works like this. During each 'round', players bet chips, which cumulate into a stockpile, the aim being to win this stockpile by having the best hand of cards at the end of the round. At first, each player is usually dealt three cards. Then a set of cards is laid out in the middle of the table (typically three) with one more added at each stage of the round; at the final stage there will be five cards there. From the cards the player has (which are kept secret from other players) and the cards in the middle of the table, a 'hand' must be made. The best hand wins the round.
There are a number of different hands - the best being a royal flush, which consists of five cards of the same suit in card order, with an ace as the highest card. Other hands include a 'three of a kind' (three of the same type of card, for example three queens) and a 'flush' (a set of cards of the same suit). The player with the highest ranking hand wins the round.
If a player thinks they have a weak hand and therefore a low chance of winning, they may 'fold', which means to opt out of the round. This way they don't have to bet anymore money. Alternatively, they may choose to 'bluff' - bet a high number of chips (that all other players must match) to make them believe they have a very strong hand, so they fold.
Many websites offer free poker online. Of course, the majority that offer some sort of financial prize do charge a fee. But if you're just looking to play for the fun of the game, generally you are simply required to sign up. Be careful not to provide any kind of credit card details if you don't wish to play with money.