- Take a look at the color wheel. Colors found opposite one another on the color wheel are called "complementary," and colors found side-by-side on the color wheel are known as "analogous." These color relationships and other more complex relationships also found on the color wheel make up the foundations that we use to determine what colors will be attractive when used together in an interior design. These same principals can be used to match your cabinets with the other colors in your kitchen. For example, honey maple cabinets, naturally a dark golden color, will pair nicely with a soft blue, the complement of yellow. Use this color on your walls and counters for a contrasting color scheme. Or, for a warmer look, use analogous colors red and orange to match with the cabinets.
- The value of a color is its relative darkness or lightness. The value of the cabinets should be taken into consideration when picking the color of the kitchen. For example, if your cabinets are made of a natural dark material, like walnut, you need to decide whether the color of the kitchen should be dark, light or medium in value. Sometimes large kitchens do well with all dark values, because the darker colors make the space seem smaller and more intimate. Small kitchens will do better if the other colors in the kitchen are lighter and brighter.
- Earth tones (green and brown) and other colors affiliated with the elements in the earth, such as blue and gray, are a safe bet when trying to find colors to match with your natural wood cabinets. In most cases, you should avoid overly bright versions of these colors, such as lime green, Mediterranean yellow and turquoise blue.
- The other elements in your kitchen, such as your counters and floors, should be made from natural materials and should also display their natural colors. For example, the colors of natural stone floors and granite counters, rather than those of linoleum and other synthetic materials, are the best match for your natural wood cabinets..
Related Colors
Value Relationships
Natural Colors
Natural Materials