Mixed media artists can be regarded as essential members of society because of the art they create.
The arts happen to be effective channel for communication, a way to exhibit visions that are beyond the proportions of words and also a channel for cultural enlightenment.
A person could go further and argue that familiarity with the arts is really an essential foundation for educated citizenship in our increasingly complicated planet.
The replies of artists to the still-horrifying incidents of 9/11 are but one particular reminder of the significant role that the arts play in exploring the emotional dimensions of experience, in shaping public discourse regarding critical issues as well as in formulating visions of the future, both for artists and their viewers.
With this mindset, the arts are as important as the humanities, medicine and sciences on the goal of a great public university.
Just what may be less obvious is the part of art-making as a mode of research.
As in the sciences and other disciplines, those of us in the arts not simply share completely new methodologies and forms of knowledge, we aid to create them.
By definition, the whole process of creating a work of art - a painting, a dance, a musical composition, an architectural design, a theater piece or movie - is from its inception a research project.
Students are requested to formulate an original response to a one of a kind field of inquiry and also to "publish" their results not just in the form of research papers, but also with the mediums of performance and exhibition.
Moreover, the examples of outstanding arts practice available to students at UCLA through our museums and performing-arts program assist to produce a distinctive laboratory for the following generation of cultural innovators.
The arts are medium of intellectual and moral inquiry, one way of investigating the ever-changing planet, of discovering the meaning of memory and tradition, and of charting the inner, subjective surfaces of human experience.
Equally as the medical sciences are dedicated to extending and improving the quality of life, the arts help us to be aware of the essential reasons for that life, the more deeply values, visions and commitments that sustain our will to live.
The study of the arts by its very nature challenges the boundary between concept and practice - between knowing about and knowing how.
The very first individuals to understand how music works were the ancient Greeks.
And this is going to fascinate you; the Greeks revealed that music and astronomy were 2 sides of the same coin.
Astronomy was seen as the study of associations between visible, permanent, external objects, and music was seen as the study of relationships between invisible, internal, hidden objects.
Music has a way of locating the large, invisible moving pieces within our hearts and souls and assisting us determine the position of things inside us.
Allow me to provide you with some examples of exactly how this works.
Mixed Media Artists are much like musicians simply because of the beauty they create.
One of the most profound musical compositions of all time is the Quartet for the End of Time written by French composer Olivier Messiaen in 1940.
Messiaen was thirty one years old when France got into the fight against Nazi Germany.
He was caught by the Germans in June of 1940, sent across Germany in a cattle car and imprisoned in a concentration camp.
The arts happen to be effective channel for communication, a way to exhibit visions that are beyond the proportions of words and also a channel for cultural enlightenment.
A person could go further and argue that familiarity with the arts is really an essential foundation for educated citizenship in our increasingly complicated planet.
The replies of artists to the still-horrifying incidents of 9/11 are but one particular reminder of the significant role that the arts play in exploring the emotional dimensions of experience, in shaping public discourse regarding critical issues as well as in formulating visions of the future, both for artists and their viewers.
With this mindset, the arts are as important as the humanities, medicine and sciences on the goal of a great public university.
Just what may be less obvious is the part of art-making as a mode of research.
As in the sciences and other disciplines, those of us in the arts not simply share completely new methodologies and forms of knowledge, we aid to create them.
By definition, the whole process of creating a work of art - a painting, a dance, a musical composition, an architectural design, a theater piece or movie - is from its inception a research project.
Students are requested to formulate an original response to a one of a kind field of inquiry and also to "publish" their results not just in the form of research papers, but also with the mediums of performance and exhibition.
Moreover, the examples of outstanding arts practice available to students at UCLA through our museums and performing-arts program assist to produce a distinctive laboratory for the following generation of cultural innovators.
The arts are medium of intellectual and moral inquiry, one way of investigating the ever-changing planet, of discovering the meaning of memory and tradition, and of charting the inner, subjective surfaces of human experience.
Equally as the medical sciences are dedicated to extending and improving the quality of life, the arts help us to be aware of the essential reasons for that life, the more deeply values, visions and commitments that sustain our will to live.
The study of the arts by its very nature challenges the boundary between concept and practice - between knowing about and knowing how.
The very first individuals to understand how music works were the ancient Greeks.
And this is going to fascinate you; the Greeks revealed that music and astronomy were 2 sides of the same coin.
Astronomy was seen as the study of associations between visible, permanent, external objects, and music was seen as the study of relationships between invisible, internal, hidden objects.
Music has a way of locating the large, invisible moving pieces within our hearts and souls and assisting us determine the position of things inside us.
Allow me to provide you with some examples of exactly how this works.
Mixed Media Artists are much like musicians simply because of the beauty they create.
One of the most profound musical compositions of all time is the Quartet for the End of Time written by French composer Olivier Messiaen in 1940.
Messiaen was thirty one years old when France got into the fight against Nazi Germany.
He was caught by the Germans in June of 1940, sent across Germany in a cattle car and imprisoned in a concentration camp.