Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Will Alkalinizing a Body Cure Acid Reflux?

    Definition of Acid Reflux

    • Acid reflux is a temporary digestive ailment better known as heartburn. This aptly named burning sensation in the throat, chest and upper stomach area, although rarely dangerous, can be very unpleasant. Acid reflux is most frequently experienced after a heavy meal of acidic food, when your stomach not only ingests acid but also produces a surplus of its own acid to break down your meal. Overflows of acid can travel back up the esophagus, in extreme cases reaching as high as the throat, creating an unpleasant taste in your mouth. The "quick fix" for acid reflux is often to pop an over-the-counter antacid to help control the symptoms. As with any potentially recurring medical situation, however, the ideal treatment for acid reflux should be more concerned with treating the cause of the problem rather than its symptoms. This is where body alkalinity comes in.

    Definition of Alkalinity

    • Alkalinity as a general concept refers to the balance between the acidic and alkaline components in any given substance. It is a measure of concentration of hydrogen ions in said substance, and is also known as the pH balance. The pH or alkalinity scale ranges from 1 to 14, in which 7 is the most perfect balance between the two; numbers between 7 and 14 indicate increasing alkalinity, and numbers below 7 signify increasing acidity. Your body has an ideal pH balance of 7.4, which can be maintained or destroyed based on your diet.

    Body Alkalinity and Acid Reflux

    • Believers in the benefits of body alkalinity claim that many diseases cannot thrive in a properly alkaline body. It certainly stands to reason, then, that a condition like acid reflux, which is triggered by diet, can also be prevented through diet. Proponents of the body alkalinity theory say that awareness of the acidity and alkalinity of the foods you eat can help you achieve the balance necessary to avoid acid reflux completely. Processed foods and red meats are considered acidic, and alkaline foods include most fruits, vegetables and nuts. For optimal body alkalinity, it is recommended that you focus on eating non-processed, alkaline foods, particularly foods containing potassium, calcium and magnesium.

    Opponents of Alkalinity Theory

    • Some medical professionals reject the theory of body alkalinity as the solution to any medical ailment, however. Opponents of the theory claim that what you eat will only affect the acidity or alkalinity of your urine, and not of your bloodstream; therefore, it is a waste of time to invest energy in balancing your diet. Gabe Mirkin M.D., for instance, claims that acidity and alkalinity are controlled by your vital organs, and can only be nominally affected by diet. Clearly, if certain foods always give you heartburn, then avoid them. However, according to the skeptics, an alkaline diet is powerless to affect the amount of acid in your body, meaning that it might not be the ultimate cure for heartburn.


    • If you're considering body alkalinity as a prevenattive measure against acid reflux, it's important to research both sides of the issue and consult your doctor. There are compelling arguments from both camps. Since body alkalinity has only recently come into the holistic health spotlight, there is not enough objective research on it to determine any consistent, universal effectiveness (or lack thereof) against heartburn. One thing remains sure: Keep track of the foods that give you acid reflux, and stay away from them in order to minimize your chances of getting heartburn. It seems a perfect cure for acid reflux will be difficult to come by.

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