If you were to believe all that you hear on the news lately it would seem that the entire real estate market in the U.
has tanked.
However, what you have to bear in mind is the figures that are being provided for you are averages that give an overall rounded out view of the U.
The greater Charlotte area of North Carolina for instance is looking real good right now with an average of 6% appreciation in value this past year and the same projected for the coming years ahead.
While this may not seem like a lot compared to market areas in many other parts of the U.
during their boom times, it is important to bear in mind that North Carlina is a far more stable market that has been shown over the past few decades to be immune to the depreciations or "adjustment periods" that seem to plague markets that go through boom periods.
This translates into many benefits for the average homeowner that is looking to get into the larger home or ranchette that they have always dreamed of owning.
Steady reasonable growth and appreciation in North Carolina real estate in general means lower land prices as well as stable labor and material costs in the home construction industry.
Thisis why the average median price on a home in the greater Charlotte area now stands at $225,000, verses up to a million dollars in some areas of the U.
Also, while other areas of the U.
are losing jobs, the North Carolina economy and overall job market remains robust and viable due to numerous factors that are attracting businesses to the state.
This is why more and more people every day are choosing to buy a home in North Carolina, rather then sticking itout in the recession effected area that they were enduring living in prior to relocating.
has tanked.
However, what you have to bear in mind is the figures that are being provided for you are averages that give an overall rounded out view of the U.
The greater Charlotte area of North Carolina for instance is looking real good right now with an average of 6% appreciation in value this past year and the same projected for the coming years ahead.
While this may not seem like a lot compared to market areas in many other parts of the U.
during their boom times, it is important to bear in mind that North Carlina is a far more stable market that has been shown over the past few decades to be immune to the depreciations or "adjustment periods" that seem to plague markets that go through boom periods.
This translates into many benefits for the average homeowner that is looking to get into the larger home or ranchette that they have always dreamed of owning.
Steady reasonable growth and appreciation in North Carolina real estate in general means lower land prices as well as stable labor and material costs in the home construction industry.
Thisis why the average median price on a home in the greater Charlotte area now stands at $225,000, verses up to a million dollars in some areas of the U.
Also, while other areas of the U.
are losing jobs, the North Carolina economy and overall job market remains robust and viable due to numerous factors that are attracting businesses to the state.
This is why more and more people every day are choosing to buy a home in North Carolina, rather then sticking itout in the recession effected area that they were enduring living in prior to relocating.