Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

Once Upon A Time Recap: Forget Me Not

If its meant to be, it is meant to be. Prince Charming will always find Snow White, whatever the odds. Yes, not even amnesia or pregnancy rumors.
Two days before his wedding to Abigail, Prince Charming/James, still snowed under (no pun intended) with thoughts of Snow White, sends her a letter via pigeon post. Upon receiving the letter, Snow White rushes to the castle, only to be captured and thrown in the dungeon. Here she meets another prisoner, Grumpy, who was caught stealing a diamond that he wanted to give to the love of his life.
The King gives Snow a choice or a semblance of it, anyway: tell Prince Charming she doesnt love him so hed go on and marry Abigail, or the King will have him killed.
Of course we know what shell do. She lies to James and leaves. Then she drinks Rumpelstiltskins potion to erase all memory of her love. The wedding doesnt push through and James sets off to look for Snow White who, unfortunately, no longer remembers him.
Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, David and Mary Margaret conveniently run into each other at Grannys diner every 7:15 in the morning. Emma advises Mary Margaret to stop her 7:15am stalk-David-at-the-diner ritual so she could move on and forget about him, especially now that there is a possibility Kathryn may be pregnant.
While returning a rescued dove to its flock in the woods, Mary Margaret slips, and who else should be there to rescue her but David? They take shelter inside a cabin as a storm breaks, and here they talk about their non-relationship issues. It turns out that there is no child, and David lets it slip that he is not in love with Kathryn. Phew for Mary Margaret (and us!).
In an effort to save what is left of his marriage to Kathryn, David agrees to seek professional help, and decides to go to the diner at 7:45am instead of 7:15. Surprise, surprise, it turns out Mary Margaret is thinking along the same lines, and they still end up running into each other. And by running, this time I mean K-I-S-S-I-N-G in front of everyone, including Regina.
Mr. Mystery Man on a Bike is becoming more and more of a mystery. Now that he has scored a future date with Emma, will we know more about him beyond the fact that he is a writer and that he might have been in Storybrooke before? Does he have anything to do with the goings-on both in Storybrooke and Fairytale? Does he have the power to change the course of things? And what will Fairytales James and Storybrookes David do next?
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