Almost Every Failure Of Life Can Be Traced Back To A Compromise Of Personal Integrity.
Josephson Institute of Ethics issued this survey.
These statistics reveal the direction that society is moving.
o38% of all high school students said they had stolen something from a store in the past year.
o25% of religious students admitted to stealing from their parents.
o93% admitted to lying to their parents.
o28% admitted to lying to get a job.
o74% of the high school students confessed to cheating at least once in the past year.
o91% "satisfied with my own ethics and character.
" o97% "it is important for me to be a person with good character!" The greatest need in society is character.
Many individuals have built their lives on a foundation of compromise and mediocrity - only to discover their character cannot withstand the mounting pressures of life.
Without strong character everything you achieved will crumble and fall.
Principle vs.
Theory: I have determined to build my life on principle rather than theory.
I don't negotiate my principles just because situations or people alter.
Regardless of the cost, I do not compromise the standards by which I live my life.
This high standard often results in me walking alone.
However, when others embrace the same principles they will be walking with me.
This is the law of attraction in motion.
The law states that two individuals who live according to the same standard will always move in the same direction and ultimately cross each others path.
I encourage you to attach to those who sharpen your character.
Unless you do your life will soon crumble before your very eyes! Take Action: o Who is the most ethical person you know? o What characteristics do you admire in that person? o Why is character so important to them? o If that question were asked of those who know you, how many would first think of you?
Josephson Institute of Ethics issued this survey.
These statistics reveal the direction that society is moving.
o38% of all high school students said they had stolen something from a store in the past year.
o25% of religious students admitted to stealing from their parents.
o93% admitted to lying to their parents.
o28% admitted to lying to get a job.
o74% of the high school students confessed to cheating at least once in the past year.
o91% "satisfied with my own ethics and character.
" o97% "it is important for me to be a person with good character!" The greatest need in society is character.
Many individuals have built their lives on a foundation of compromise and mediocrity - only to discover their character cannot withstand the mounting pressures of life.
Without strong character everything you achieved will crumble and fall.
Principle vs.
Theory: I have determined to build my life on principle rather than theory.
I don't negotiate my principles just because situations or people alter.
Regardless of the cost, I do not compromise the standards by which I live my life.
This high standard often results in me walking alone.
However, when others embrace the same principles they will be walking with me.
This is the law of attraction in motion.
The law states that two individuals who live according to the same standard will always move in the same direction and ultimately cross each others path.
I encourage you to attach to those who sharpen your character.
Unless you do your life will soon crumble before your very eyes! Take Action: o Who is the most ethical person you know? o What characteristics do you admire in that person? o Why is character so important to them? o If that question were asked of those who know you, how many would first think of you?