Difference of opinions, perceptions, views and miscommunication often given birth to conflict, and it becomes manageable sometimes. Different attitudes to deal with problems or different attitudes give rise to it. The aim of conflict management is not to teach you to how to win over argument or keep your hands upper, but conflict management teaches you to how to resolve the issues in such a manner that the benefit of the resolution is maximized for both you and your opponent. To be able to do this requires conflict management skills.
Following are the steps to resolve a conflict:
1.Analysis- The first and most important step is to analyse the situation. This involves taking yourself out of the equation and understanding the history of the conflict, the reason for the current situation and the consequences of the various possible outcomes. If you can clearly identify the cause and the possible outcomes, you have created the foundation on which conflict management structure can be built.
2.Empathy- Have empathy and understand from the stand point of your opponent. Good listening skills play a vital role in it. Listen carefully, no matter how obvious the argument is. You must also take care of your body language. Your facial expression, gestures and body movements tells a lot if you are listening to your opponent or simple ignoring his point.
3.Flexibility- Flexibility doesnt mean that you should give in to your opponent thoroughly. Flexibility here means by the negotiating in such a way which will eventually benefit you and your opponent equally. Do not be afraid to make the first move towards compromise but never forget that every taken step by you must bring your closer to your main goal.
4.Emotional awareness- Try to have control on your emotions and not to demonstrate them while managing the conflict. It will never do any good but will worsen the situation. At the same time, try and understand the emotion of your opponents and adjust your arguments to get the most positive emotional reaction from them.
To sum up, conflicts can hamper not just your career growth but also spoil your relation at work place. Each conflict can be resolved successfully by learning conflict management skills and implementing them at the same time.
Focus with Tokas teaches you not just the conflict management skills but many other skills which play a vital role in developing your professional skills, Public Speaking skills and communication skills. We, at Focus with Tokas strive to make you a better communicator and public speaker by enhancing and improving all the vital aspects of ones personality. Our course in Public Speaking Course and communication skills stresses on the overall personality development Course of a persons personality.
Public Speaking Institute In Delhi
Following are the steps to resolve a conflict:
1.Analysis- The first and most important step is to analyse the situation. This involves taking yourself out of the equation and understanding the history of the conflict, the reason for the current situation and the consequences of the various possible outcomes. If you can clearly identify the cause and the possible outcomes, you have created the foundation on which conflict management structure can be built.
2.Empathy- Have empathy and understand from the stand point of your opponent. Good listening skills play a vital role in it. Listen carefully, no matter how obvious the argument is. You must also take care of your body language. Your facial expression, gestures and body movements tells a lot if you are listening to your opponent or simple ignoring his point.
3.Flexibility- Flexibility doesnt mean that you should give in to your opponent thoroughly. Flexibility here means by the negotiating in such a way which will eventually benefit you and your opponent equally. Do not be afraid to make the first move towards compromise but never forget that every taken step by you must bring your closer to your main goal.
4.Emotional awareness- Try to have control on your emotions and not to demonstrate them while managing the conflict. It will never do any good but will worsen the situation. At the same time, try and understand the emotion of your opponents and adjust your arguments to get the most positive emotional reaction from them.
To sum up, conflicts can hamper not just your career growth but also spoil your relation at work place. Each conflict can be resolved successfully by learning conflict management skills and implementing them at the same time.
Focus with Tokas teaches you not just the conflict management skills but many other skills which play a vital role in developing your professional skills, Public Speaking skills and communication skills. We, at Focus with Tokas strive to make you a better communicator and public speaker by enhancing and improving all the vital aspects of ones personality. Our course in Public Speaking Course and communication skills stresses on the overall personality development Course of a persons personality.
Public Speaking Institute In Delhi