Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection. Those two words are undoubtedly familiar to you, though the reason why people have yeast infections may be misunderstood or completely unknown. A common belief amongst those who are not "in the know" is that those who have yeast infections are dirty and unclean. That seldom is the case. Yeast infections can be caused by a plethora of causes, leaving almost any one person susceptible.

Yeast infections begin with a naturally occurring fungus on the skin called "candida". If you took biology in high school or college, you may recall that there are other bacteria and microorganisms present on our skin as well. All of these factors work together to keep us healthy and happy. If something were to throw that whole balance off, however, then sickness may strike the person. This is where yeast infections come in to play.

There are many factors that can throw off that balance. More often than not, yeast infection sufferers get a yeast infection when they are trying to treat another infection or sickness. It seems ironic, but it is true. The reason for this is because, when you become sick or are fighting an infection, your doctor will often prescribe an antibiotic or steroid to help kill and eliminate that which is making you ill. That very antibiotic or steroid is working hard at killing all bacteria - both the good with the bad - so the "good" bacteria is no longer present to also fight off candida, or the fungus that causes yeast infections.

Hormonal changes, particularly in women, can cause yeast infections. Pregnancy and post partum naturally cause an upset to a woman's hormonal balance. But if you are also taking birth control of any kind, this is disrupting your natural hormonal balance and may result in a yeast infection.

There are pre-existing medical conditions that help a yeast infection breed as well. Diabetes is the most common. Diabetes causes an increase of blood sugar levels. Sugar feeds the yeast, and in turn feeds the growth of an infection. Auto immune disorders, such as HIV/AIDS and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, are also particularly at risk of developing yeast infections.

Lack of cleanliness can help bring about a yeast infection (such as wiping back to front), but also being overly cautious about being clean can as well (douching, or using scented feminine hygiene products such as sprays, tampons or pads).

A woman's diet has also been sited as helping facilitate a yeast infection. Particularly for chronic sufferers, be sure to limit refined sugars and carbohydrates. Reduce your intake of alcohol. Eat more natural, fresh fruits and vegetables and introduce a probiotic yogurt to your diet if you have not already done so.

Tight clothing and synthetic fabrics have also been sited as being a cause for female yeast infections. If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, try throwing on a pair of cotton underwear and put on clothing that is looser. This will allow your body to breathe and reduce moisture build-up.

These are only some of the many causes that can bring about a yeast infection. Speak to your family doctor about what other causes there are and treatment options available to you.
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