Health & Medical Hypertension

How Do I Control High Blood Pressure Naturally?

Is it your habit to drop by your favorite fast food chain to grab some burger and fries? Do you sit in front of the computer all day long? Your leisure time primarily consists of playing video games or watching TV, right? Let me guess, your weekends consists of watching TV while drinking some beer with your friends.
The thing about high blood pressure is that it didn't just happen overnight.
It's an accumulation of the things that we did before that brought us to where we are today.
I can't really blame you for doing those things.
In fact, I can't blame anybody at all.
Most of us simply like eating tasty foods that are high in salt.
We like fatty foods because they're tasty.
We barely have exercise because we are too busy with other things like work and rest.
We must learn to control not only our bodies, but most importantly our minds.
It's our mind that tells the body what to do.
That's why most fast food commercials show images of smoking hot baby back ribs seething in red hot chilli sauce or juicy crispy fried chicken being dipped in gravy.
Once we control our minds, we can then control our bodies.
The ultimate cliche in health is diets.
Sure, you've heard it a billion times and you've gotten so sick of hearing: eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, drink about 8-10 glasses of water daily, avoid salt and salty foods, swear off red meat, eat organically produced vegetables, eat this health supplement, drink natural fruit juices, avoid creamy and buttery foods, eschew alcohol and tobacco, eat plenty of berries, avoid sugar, and so on and so forth.
If you've noticed, avoiding some of them is just like avoiding living.
It's up to you.
You could choose to live it up now and suffer later or you can learn how to control high blood pressure naturally and still enjoy some of the pleasures in life.
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