Health & Medical Depression

Omega 3 Fish Oil and Depression - A Promising Natural Remedy For Depression is Fish Oils

Do you know about the relationship between omega 3 fish oil and depression? This article discusses the benefits of taking a quality omega 3 fish oil supplement for depression.
You know what's unfortunate about most depression medications? They all come with awful side effects! For this reason and many other ones, doctors and scientists are researching and discovering that there is a natural remedy for depression that can alleviate most of the symptoms.
The most promising studies involve omega 3 fish oil and depression.
These studies have shown that there is a strong link between the lack of omega-3 fatty acid consumption in the western diet and many behavioral conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADD, ADHD, and Alzheimer's disease.
This lack of omega-3s weakens the cellular function and metabolism of the brain.
By making efforts to reduce stress, stay physically active, and consume more omega-3 fatty acids, you can actually reduce the symptoms that come with depression.
The easiest way to assure you get enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet is to take a quality fish oil supplement.
I mean, sure you can re-arrange your diet so you eat more fish, fruits and veggies, nuts, and olive oil- but as you can imagine, this can get pretty expensive (especially if you're eating fish multiple times a week.
) For less than $20 a month, you can get a quality fish oil supplement.
And not only is it cheaper to do this, it's also much safer than eating fish many times a week.
How so? Well since most of the world's waters are contaminated to some degree, so are the living creature that live in it.
Cold, deep water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies (which contain omega-3 fatty acids) are all known to contain trace contaminants like PCBs, dioxins, mercury, arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals.
As far as omega 3 fish oil and depression goes, it's safer because you can get a supplement that is purified and molecularly distilled.
These are processes that remove all these trace contaminants so you aren't consuming them on a daily basis.
So is the relationship between omega 3 fish oil and depression strong and promising? There's ample evidence showing that increasing omega3s in a diet can improve or alleviate the symptoms of depression.
And for less than $20 a month, isn't it worth trying for a few months?
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