Imagine what the news stories would sound like if everyone in the country decided to change their life styles just enough to stop using credit cards.
If everyone put themselves on a budget and got rid of whatever expense was dragging them down.
What a revolution that would be.
Evaluating your finances and getting your budget back in the black is going to be more important than ever in the coming months.
Finding those expenses that are truly not necessary and putting some money aside or paying off your debts could mean the difference between weathering the storm and being ruined.
Take a look at what you are making on an average per month basis right now and don't lie to yourself if you have an irregular income.
What are you really taking home each month? 2.
Write out on a piece of paper what you spent last month in each category of expense.
Rent, Food, Gas, Insurance etc.
Add up all of the expenses and identify the surplus or the lack.
What categories could be reduced or eliminated to give you at least a $300/mo surplus? This might not sound realistic to some but find out what it would take to save at least 3 Benjamin's 5.
Now systematically cut each expense through negotiation, discounts, and closing accounts until they are at a minimum.
Identify if you need more income to reach the $300/mo goal or if the cutting of expenses did the trick.
Look for short term increases in your income.
Garage sales, extra jobs, overtime etc.
Get your family on board.
Let them know your plans.
Show them that short term sacrifice can mean big future benefits.
Save only a little money for emergencies at first.
About $1500 10.
Then take all extra monthly money and pay down you debts in the fastest order.
Use your tax returns, gift money, garage sale money and every dollar of your surplus except your $1500 emergency fund to get you out of the rat race!!! I know all of this sounds over simplified but I think with a little positive attitude and a desire to change our personal situations, this country can be greater than it all ready is and we can reap it's benefits for ourselves and truly afford to give to others.
If everyone put themselves on a budget and got rid of whatever expense was dragging them down.
What a revolution that would be.
Evaluating your finances and getting your budget back in the black is going to be more important than ever in the coming months.
Finding those expenses that are truly not necessary and putting some money aside or paying off your debts could mean the difference between weathering the storm and being ruined.
Take a look at what you are making on an average per month basis right now and don't lie to yourself if you have an irregular income.
What are you really taking home each month? 2.
Write out on a piece of paper what you spent last month in each category of expense.
Rent, Food, Gas, Insurance etc.
Add up all of the expenses and identify the surplus or the lack.
What categories could be reduced or eliminated to give you at least a $300/mo surplus? This might not sound realistic to some but find out what it would take to save at least 3 Benjamin's 5.
Now systematically cut each expense through negotiation, discounts, and closing accounts until they are at a minimum.
Identify if you need more income to reach the $300/mo goal or if the cutting of expenses did the trick.
Look for short term increases in your income.
Garage sales, extra jobs, overtime etc.
Get your family on board.
Let them know your plans.
Show them that short term sacrifice can mean big future benefits.
Save only a little money for emergencies at first.
About $1500 10.
Then take all extra monthly money and pay down you debts in the fastest order.
Use your tax returns, gift money, garage sale money and every dollar of your surplus except your $1500 emergency fund to get you out of the rat race!!! I know all of this sounds over simplified but I think with a little positive attitude and a desire to change our personal situations, this country can be greater than it all ready is and we can reap it's benefits for ourselves and truly afford to give to others.