Technology Programming

Dubai Web Design Tips for Older and Mature Audience

The silver-gray hair audience is becoming one of the fastest growing web audiences these days. However; it is always difficult to design a website for such an audience whose majority might lack digital intelligence i.e. surfing through web on digital thoughtfulness. Web designing for such audience is more of technical than of creative.
Tips from Experienced Dubai Web Design Companies
Following are the quick tips for designing a website for an older audience.
1-Make the tools prominent and vision-supportive.
2-Add numbers. Older people rely more on numbers than on their memory.
3-Black and white are the standard colors for older audience. Old people switch from books to digital media. Books have white background with black text. Use the similar policy in your websites as well.
4-Make it simple and friendly.
5-Give the maximum prominence to search bar.
6-Avoid technical terms. Communicate in their language that is less-technical savvy.
7-Add a speech bar or button which will read the text when clicked.
8-Avoid adding scrolling. You can increase the number of pages.
9-Keep less content on the website. Older audience lacks patience and will not wait for a website to open in more than 5 seconds.
10-Apply the policy of pizza in your content. Cut the information into digestible slices.
11-Add the buttons of next page and previous page. Avoid adding too many pages. Also, give the option of €read as one page'.
12-Avoid clutter by giving maximum strength to white layout.
13-Add the button of €Define' under difficult terms.
14-Use global navigation standards for making navigation easy, for example; use the Contact us button on top or bottom of the page.
15-Always test your design.

The Importance of Clicks
Dubai web design companies suggest that the older audience relies more on clicks than on scrolls. Clicking requires less physical effort. A scientific research suggests that the finger tips of older people become more sensitive which makes scrolling less favorable for the old finger tips.

Connecting Sentiments
Older audience has suddenly shifted from their life-long interpersonal communication to digital mass communication. The audience might lose interest and develop loneliness if digital mass communication lacks sentiments. The sentiments can be created from the content of website and the design. Trigger emotions by giving a background of books and pens in an academic website or theme of blossoms on a website of social stories.

Technicality of Fonts
There are two options to deal with the font. You can either make it big and prominent or you can make it controllable. The Dubai web design companies carry two opinions on controllable fonts. Some companies believe that controllable fonts are hi-tech and might not be favorable for older audience. Others claim that the time will adjust the trend of controllable fonts with older audience, who will then control fonts according to their vision capabilities. The debate has yet to reach its destination.
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