The other day I was speaking to an acquaintance on the fact that so many old Olympic Stadiums are sitting idle, rundown, and an economic waste.
The history, glory, and pride of those hosting cities rotting away for no reason, and so my international acquaintance from London, England, which happens to be the site of the 2012 Olympic Games tells me that it doesn't make sense to build facilities of that magnitude and allow them to slowly turn to rubble, as he states" "This argument goes beyond London and is about the future of the games.
" Well, after he explained his points, I totally agree, of course from the IOCs (International Olympic Committees) perspective, I don't doubt they'd rather not set precedence by re-negotiating their protocol or let London off the hook for the economic hardships currently going on with increased construction costs of their 2012 Olympic Stadium and facilities.
Still, the IOC must evolve, as does anything that is to survive over time.
My acquaintance reiterated; "At its heart it needs to be sustainable and learn from the mistakes of the past, something the IOC for too long seems to have turned a blind eye to.
" Hmm? Well, as he is bantering the word I most despise in today's English Language; "Sustainability" - I cringe as I sit here and consider all this, but, since he has made a good point, I will concede that such an argument may find traction with the IOC and other nations, which may agree with the intellectual debate point, especially now in the current "climate" so to speak? After all, "sustainability" is a big buzz-word in the New World Order scheme of things isn't it? Everyone from the folks at Davos to the UN, and from the Council on Foreign Relations to the IMF is using it.
In fact, I cannot pick up a newspaper to save my soul without seeing that word in it 10-times.
Anyway, my acquaintance stated that London had no choice but to comply with all the components of the agreement and additional stipulations; "Given the nature of the contracts and agreements undertaken.
" Okay, but the IOC would be foolish to sue London, and they'd come out with a destroyed brand name.
It's time for the IOC to come to the table to help, surely this has happened before, they probably already know how to mend this fence, but are playing hardball, because they think they can, and because they believe London would never allow itself to risk the negative PR is a silly game, so the IOC and London need to work together - these are hard economic times, let's not forget! London should put on the best Olympic Games ever! And do what's most prudent, and ask nicely for the IOC to give it their full blessing.
What does London have to lose, nothing, and that's the best position in the world to be in, just ask Trammel Crow, Donald Trump, or Dubai World.
See my point? Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's talk, be well and keep on thinking I always say.
The history, glory, and pride of those hosting cities rotting away for no reason, and so my international acquaintance from London, England, which happens to be the site of the 2012 Olympic Games tells me that it doesn't make sense to build facilities of that magnitude and allow them to slowly turn to rubble, as he states" "This argument goes beyond London and is about the future of the games.
" Well, after he explained his points, I totally agree, of course from the IOCs (International Olympic Committees) perspective, I don't doubt they'd rather not set precedence by re-negotiating their protocol or let London off the hook for the economic hardships currently going on with increased construction costs of their 2012 Olympic Stadium and facilities.
Still, the IOC must evolve, as does anything that is to survive over time.
My acquaintance reiterated; "At its heart it needs to be sustainable and learn from the mistakes of the past, something the IOC for too long seems to have turned a blind eye to.
" Hmm? Well, as he is bantering the word I most despise in today's English Language; "Sustainability" - I cringe as I sit here and consider all this, but, since he has made a good point, I will concede that such an argument may find traction with the IOC and other nations, which may agree with the intellectual debate point, especially now in the current "climate" so to speak? After all, "sustainability" is a big buzz-word in the New World Order scheme of things isn't it? Everyone from the folks at Davos to the UN, and from the Council on Foreign Relations to the IMF is using it.
In fact, I cannot pick up a newspaper to save my soul without seeing that word in it 10-times.
Anyway, my acquaintance stated that London had no choice but to comply with all the components of the agreement and additional stipulations; "Given the nature of the contracts and agreements undertaken.
" Okay, but the IOC would be foolish to sue London, and they'd come out with a destroyed brand name.
It's time for the IOC to come to the table to help, surely this has happened before, they probably already know how to mend this fence, but are playing hardball, because they think they can, and because they believe London would never allow itself to risk the negative PR is a silly game, so the IOC and London need to work together - these are hard economic times, let's not forget! London should put on the best Olympic Games ever! And do what's most prudent, and ask nicely for the IOC to give it their full blessing.
What does London have to lose, nothing, and that's the best position in the world to be in, just ask Trammel Crow, Donald Trump, or Dubai World.
See my point? Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's talk, be well and keep on thinking I always say.