What do you think is the biggest health threat to your life? I bet you won't anticipate the right answer (though I may be wrong!)
Is it a car, train, bus or some other transport-related accident? Or perhaps... an accident at the work place?
Or, maybe...some psycho lurking around waiting to get you, possibly in some dark alley?
What about, deaths from: smoking, domestic accidents, or the adverse effects of medical treatment?
No! It's none of these. - Even though the above figures can mount to many, these things pale into insignificance when compared to the answer. The biggest threat to your life is... something you see day in day out. Sadly, many people are without the slightest suspicion that it could lead to death, care of slick advertising and marketing campaigns, ignorance, or a lack of knowledge or not much training in doctors when they went to medical school, leaving many doctors unable to really warn or advise you of this great threat... The biggest threat to your life is...
-The food you eat!
The major life-threatening illness such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and depression... whether you will die of these illnesses or wilfully commit to prevention has much to do with what you are putting on your plate year in year out.
Food to you is like the petrol to a car: If you fed your car on an inappropriate grade of petrol, then it would run sluggish and, who knows, over time may well cease to run. The same can also be said about your body. If you feed it on poor quality food, you too would run sluggish and maybe die as a consequence of the long-term effects... Another question. What's the best investment you could ever make? 'The answer is not one of a financial sort!
Making sure you eat good food is more important than money: I ask you: What's the point in taking say, thirty-odd years to pay off a mortgage or scrimp and save to make significant contributions towards a good pension when you won't be alive to enjoy its benefits, or not live long enough healthy years of retirement because of the results of unhealthy eating?
-Invest in your health.
-Eat well!
Educate yourself in these matters. Learn to distinguish between the junk and the healthy foods.
A specific illness is a symptom of specific nutritional deficiencies. Do you have a disease related illness or show signs of? If so, then you may well be running a metabolic deficiency in specific nutrients. The trick to getting well or reach optimum again is to make yourself metabolically efficient by giving yourself high doses of those foods and supplements that you are nutritionally deficient in.
Review your diet, select the healthier option and see the big difference you can make in your life.
Is it a car, train, bus or some other transport-related accident? Or perhaps... an accident at the work place?
Or, maybe...some psycho lurking around waiting to get you, possibly in some dark alley?
What about, deaths from: smoking, domestic accidents, or the adverse effects of medical treatment?
No! It's none of these. - Even though the above figures can mount to many, these things pale into insignificance when compared to the answer. The biggest threat to your life is... something you see day in day out. Sadly, many people are without the slightest suspicion that it could lead to death, care of slick advertising and marketing campaigns, ignorance, or a lack of knowledge or not much training in doctors when they went to medical school, leaving many doctors unable to really warn or advise you of this great threat... The biggest threat to your life is...
-The food you eat!
The major life-threatening illness such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and depression... whether you will die of these illnesses or wilfully commit to prevention has much to do with what you are putting on your plate year in year out.
Food to you is like the petrol to a car: If you fed your car on an inappropriate grade of petrol, then it would run sluggish and, who knows, over time may well cease to run. The same can also be said about your body. If you feed it on poor quality food, you too would run sluggish and maybe die as a consequence of the long-term effects... Another question. What's the best investment you could ever make? 'The answer is not one of a financial sort!
Making sure you eat good food is more important than money: I ask you: What's the point in taking say, thirty-odd years to pay off a mortgage or scrimp and save to make significant contributions towards a good pension when you won't be alive to enjoy its benefits, or not live long enough healthy years of retirement because of the results of unhealthy eating?
-Invest in your health.
-Eat well!
Educate yourself in these matters. Learn to distinguish between the junk and the healthy foods.
A specific illness is a symptom of specific nutritional deficiencies. Do you have a disease related illness or show signs of? If so, then you may well be running a metabolic deficiency in specific nutrients. The trick to getting well or reach optimum again is to make yourself metabolically efficient by giving yourself high doses of those foods and supplements that you are nutritionally deficient in.
Review your diet, select the healthier option and see the big difference you can make in your life.