A domain reseller is someone who buys domains from a domain registrar and resells them onto clients at a discount price.
Domain resellers have become more and more popular as more and more web design, internet marketing and SEO companies start up.
Most domain resellers will give you a nice and simple user interface which will make registering, renewing and transferring domains quick and simple.
Sometimes this interface is linked to the registrars system, but either way you will have complete control over your domains.
Many resellers also offer hosting packages which will also be accessible via the user interface.
To become a domain reseller you just need to find an ICANN Accredited Registrar which offers a reseller programme.
ICAAN stands for International Corporation for Assigned names and Numbers.
It is a no-profit corporation created in 1988 to oversee Internet related tasks that were previously done by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) on behalf of the US Government.
Basically ICANN are responsible for IP addresses and domain names as well of lots of other internet tasks.
Becoming a domain reseller has plenty of benefits.
Because they buy the domains off a registrar (generally in bulk) at discounted prices, this means they can then resell them to their clients much cheaper than the registrars.
With domain resellers you often get UK based telephone support with good customer service.
You will also get customer privacy because most domain resellers will not contact customers directly, where as most domain registrars will try to sell you other products and you might get the odd email reminding you to pay this and that.
If you are interested in either starting up your own domain reseller business or you are hoping to enlist the help of an established domain reseller then it is important that you look around before settling as this way you will get the best possible deal.
There are literally hundreds of reseller programs available so get comparing and you will sure to find the right programme that suits you.
Domain resellers have become more and more popular as more and more web design, internet marketing and SEO companies start up.
Most domain resellers will give you a nice and simple user interface which will make registering, renewing and transferring domains quick and simple.
Sometimes this interface is linked to the registrars system, but either way you will have complete control over your domains.
Many resellers also offer hosting packages which will also be accessible via the user interface.
To become a domain reseller you just need to find an ICANN Accredited Registrar which offers a reseller programme.
ICAAN stands for International Corporation for Assigned names and Numbers.
It is a no-profit corporation created in 1988 to oversee Internet related tasks that were previously done by the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) on behalf of the US Government.
Basically ICANN are responsible for IP addresses and domain names as well of lots of other internet tasks.
Becoming a domain reseller has plenty of benefits.
Because they buy the domains off a registrar (generally in bulk) at discounted prices, this means they can then resell them to their clients much cheaper than the registrars.
With domain resellers you often get UK based telephone support with good customer service.
You will also get customer privacy because most domain resellers will not contact customers directly, where as most domain registrars will try to sell you other products and you might get the odd email reminding you to pay this and that.
If you are interested in either starting up your own domain reseller business or you are hoping to enlist the help of an established domain reseller then it is important that you look around before settling as this way you will get the best possible deal.
There are literally hundreds of reseller programs available so get comparing and you will sure to find the right programme that suits you.