Penis stretching exercises are without doubt one of the most natural ways to increase penis size.
All penis stretching exercises are intended to pull on and extend the suspensory and fundiform ligaments.
It is the suspensory ligament that is severed during penis enlargement surgery.
So you have a choice, let a surgeon and his knife loose on your manhood, or increase your penis size naturally by using penis stretching exercises! 1) When performing penis stretching exercises how should it feel? It is extremely important that you are not overly enthusiastic and harsh when performing these exercises.
For many of you this may well be the first time you have performed any type of penis exercise, so learn how to be firm, but gentle at the same time.
Whatever you feel, you shouldn't ever feel pain.
You may experience tingling, itchiness and after exercise your manhood may well feel fatigued and tired.
2) Should i be standing up or sitting down to perform penis stretching exercises? This doesn't really make any difference whatsoever.
I usually sit down when performing my exercises as this is what i prefer.
You should decide what feels more comfortable for you and then stick with it.
3) How often should i increase the intensity of my exercise routine? I personally have followed a penis enlargement exercise program which guided me through the days and weeks.
There are various penis stretching exercises to perform.
Some can be carried out by anyone, while others should only be used by those who have been performing exercises for a while.
You should remember that many of the basic stretches and exercises are meant to acclimatize your manhood for the harder exercises to come! So start out slowly and gradually build up your intensity.
4) How Long will it take to increase the size of my penis? I will say that if penis stretching exercises are performed correctly and regularly, you will definitely increase your penis size.
However, the speed of results will vary from man to man.
Some guys are genetic gods and can use a few exercises for a few weeks and notice a gain of up to 2 inches.
However, mere mortals like you and me should be satisfied with seeing a far stronger, fitter and healthier penis after the first month.
You may also notice a slight increase in penis size, but for the most significant results you should be exercising for at least 3-12 months.
All penis stretching exercises are intended to pull on and extend the suspensory and fundiform ligaments.
It is the suspensory ligament that is severed during penis enlargement surgery.
So you have a choice, let a surgeon and his knife loose on your manhood, or increase your penis size naturally by using penis stretching exercises! 1) When performing penis stretching exercises how should it feel? It is extremely important that you are not overly enthusiastic and harsh when performing these exercises.
For many of you this may well be the first time you have performed any type of penis exercise, so learn how to be firm, but gentle at the same time.
Whatever you feel, you shouldn't ever feel pain.
You may experience tingling, itchiness and after exercise your manhood may well feel fatigued and tired.
2) Should i be standing up or sitting down to perform penis stretching exercises? This doesn't really make any difference whatsoever.
I usually sit down when performing my exercises as this is what i prefer.
You should decide what feels more comfortable for you and then stick with it.
3) How often should i increase the intensity of my exercise routine? I personally have followed a penis enlargement exercise program which guided me through the days and weeks.
There are various penis stretching exercises to perform.
Some can be carried out by anyone, while others should only be used by those who have been performing exercises for a while.
You should remember that many of the basic stretches and exercises are meant to acclimatize your manhood for the harder exercises to come! So start out slowly and gradually build up your intensity.
4) How Long will it take to increase the size of my penis? I will say that if penis stretching exercises are performed correctly and regularly, you will definitely increase your penis size.
However, the speed of results will vary from man to man.
Some guys are genetic gods and can use a few exercises for a few weeks and notice a gain of up to 2 inches.
However, mere mortals like you and me should be satisfied with seeing a far stronger, fitter and healthier penis after the first month.
You may also notice a slight increase in penis size, but for the most significant results you should be exercising for at least 3-12 months.