Health & Medical Men's Health

Testosterone Increases Happen Quickly When You Raise the Bar a Little Each Day

Life is like a circular thing where everything is connected and it forms a level.
When you raise the bar on one part or component of the circle, it then impacts on the other parts of your life and that component also rises up a little.
It is my experience that we can all quite simply improve our lives by making gradual and incremental positive changes in one area of our life which lifts the other parts of our life too.
The best place to start this is to do something that is right for your health and fitness level - and it needn't cost any money because no government has yet put a tax on walking.
My own journey started with a desire to dance and although I crashed and burned at every dance lesson, my stubborn side came forward and I refused to be beaten by something as silly as leaning how to follow dance steps in a set pattern.
In fact, even though this led my on a personal journey of over 12,000 hours of free style dance over a 6 year period, I still have no ability to follow set patterns of dance - but I have no trouble doing my own thing.
Anyway, the point is that each day I met a challenge, and each next day I made that challenge a little bit harder because yesterday's challenge became too easy today.
The process going on in the background of course was that each time I tested my limits, my brain was commanding that more testosterone be produced to cope with the increased stress.
Not only did I grow increasingly fit and capable, I found I was benefiting also from clearer thinking, increased creativity and that almost magically I was finding increased luck and success in my life, simply because my busy and positive outlook was attracting other positive and active people into my life.
Losers who were in my life fell by the way-side because they couldn't keep up, and soon I was travelling at a whole new level.
Testosterone increases were the key, as were increasing my threshold each day by just enough to make it a little more of a challenge.
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