The reason why solar po?er?s s? ex?ensive i? b?cause of the raw material that i? us?d in the manufacturing pro?ess. The raw m?terial that is?o expensive?s silicon, like the stuff they?ake microc?ips from. Although?ilicon i? a relatively co?mon mater?al, t?e process ne?ded t? make?t?ure enough for semic?nductors requires a lot of?nergy.
T?e factorie? that can provide th?s energy can co?t million? to operate, w?ich means that there are not that?any f?ctories that ref?ne silicon. The limited?mount of factorie??reate? li?ited supply of refined silicon, whi?h increases the c?st. Really it's si?ple economics, supply and demand, less supply plus more demand eq?als higher?ost.
As s?lar power technology evolves, new?nd better ways to make solar p?nels should?elp r?duce th? cost. Since the?ost of?ilicon?s on??f th? main fact?rs?n the cost?f solar panels if w? c?n find wa?s to use less sil?con or even repla?e?t wit?? ch?aper material, while keep?ng effi?iency?t the sa?e level, solar po?er?ould b? much more affordable for everyone. Th?nkfully b?th of th?se options are be?ng rese?rched and s?me gr?at ideas have come fr?m this r?search.
Ide?s li?e? spr?y on solar p?nel that co?ld b? u?ed?n t?e windo?s?f skyscrapers. Essentially the window? would b? sp?ayed with? thin fil? that would generate electri?ity and kee? m?st of the windows p?operties,?o it c?n?till let lig?t?nd heat in. Another idea th?t?s being researched?s the u?e of organic materi?l in sola? panels. Some organic materials have semiconductor properties, s? th?y may b? able to us? those instead?f silicon.
Hop?fully in th? near f?ture so?e?f these ideas c?n be?ut to us? to reduce solar power cost. Wouldn't?t be great if t?e averag? homeowner could?se solar power f?r?ll of t?eir energy n?eds. What about skyscrapers ma?ing their own energ?, ho? m?ch pollution wo?ld that save the?lanet. If w? could make? buildings ene?gy needs?elf?ustainable and?e did this t? buildings all ac?oss America, ho? muc? wo?ld that cut ou? dep?ndence on foreign oil.
We have the answe?s to our energy needs and it'? time?e becam? self sufficient?s a country. Even if solar po?er is expensi?e it's tim??e started t? think a?out ou? future before it'? to? late. If yo? could redu?e?our utility?ill, add value t? your hom?, and?elp reduce poll?tion, w?at w?uld you do.
T?e factorie? that can provide th?s energy can co?t million? to operate, w?ich means that there are not that?any f?ctories that ref?ne silicon. The limited?mount of factorie??reate? li?ited supply of refined silicon, whi?h increases the c?st. Really it's si?ple economics, supply and demand, less supply plus more demand eq?als higher?ost.
As s?lar power technology evolves, new?nd better ways to make solar p?nels should?elp r?duce th? cost. Since the?ost of?ilicon?s on??f th? main fact?rs?n the cost?f solar panels if w? c?n find wa?s to use less sil?con or even repla?e?t wit?? ch?aper material, while keep?ng effi?iency?t the sa?e level, solar po?er?ould b? much more affordable for everyone. Th?nkfully b?th of th?se options are be?ng rese?rched and s?me gr?at ideas have come fr?m this r?search.
Ide?s li?e? spr?y on solar p?nel that co?ld b? u?ed?n t?e windo?s?f skyscrapers. Essentially the window? would b? sp?ayed with? thin fil? that would generate electri?ity and kee? m?st of the windows p?operties,?o it c?n?till let lig?t?nd heat in. Another idea th?t?s being researched?s the u?e of organic materi?l in sola? panels. Some organic materials have semiconductor properties, s? th?y may b? able to us? those instead?f silicon.
Hop?fully in th? near f?ture so?e?f these ideas c?n be?ut to us? to reduce solar power cost. Wouldn't?t be great if t?e averag? homeowner could?se solar power f?r?ll of t?eir energy n?eds. What about skyscrapers ma?ing their own energ?, ho? m?ch pollution wo?ld that save the?lanet. If w? could make? buildings ene?gy needs?elf?ustainable and?e did this t? buildings all ac?oss America, ho? muc? wo?ld that cut ou? dep?ndence on foreign oil.
We have the answe?s to our energy needs and it'? time?e becam? self sufficient?s a country. Even if solar po?er is expensi?e it's tim??e started t? think a?out ou? future before it'? to? late. If yo? could redu?e?our utility?ill, add value t? your hom?, and?elp reduce poll?tion, w?at w?uld you do.