Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Getting Back Your Wife - If 90% Men Succeed, Why Can"t You?

As incredible as it may sound most men succeed in convincing their wives to return after they have split.
If 90% succeed remember there is still that 10% who fail! Your aim should be to belong to the first group when you are planning for getting back your wife.
The important issue here is that while there are strong and compelling enough reasons for succeeding, there are equally important reasons for men fail.
You have to tread on thin ice here, to avoid the various pitfalls that lie ahead on your mission of getting back your wife.
Here are some of the proven ways to succeed: - The greatest teacher in life is experience and there are important lessons to be learnt from your past experience when your wife left you.
For getting back your wife, you have to travel back in time and find out exactly what went wrong.
Though spending fruitful hours in reminiscing about the past is fruitless, some musings may help you track down a few issues which led to the disaster.
While there is no Control Z button in life to undo the past actions, you can still learn some things so as to avoid them in future or even rectify some of your traits now.
This can perhaps convince your wife that you are making attempts to change and lubricate the process of getting back your wife.
- The next important point to remember in getting back your wife is never to appear desperate.
Just like a potential employer hates seeing a candidate desperate to get the job, any ex would also hate to see any look of desperation in the eyes of the spouse.
This is in no way recommended for getting back your wife, as it simply puts her off.
In her eyes you go down further and this is something no wife appreciates.
Remember it is for nothing that the famous Bard wrote about 'the love of pursuit'.
Whether we admit it or not, we like to chase.
Even when your wife has left you out of her own volition, she would still like to 'chase' you instead of being chased.
Keep your dignity while getting back your wife, but this does not mean that you plead and pray getting down on bended knees.
- In your desperate attempts in getting back your wife, never make the mistake of making her jealous as it gives completely wrong signals.
She starts believing that she has finally gone out of your mind and that she too must move on.
Such steps only show that you are still very immature.
And wives may like childlike innocence but never immaturity; there is a fine line in between.
- In stead appear to be confident and self-assured if you bump into her.
Even if she is with someone else, do not be overtly curious about who he is or question her about the second person.
If she flaunts about this new guy, lend her a patient ear.
Remember she is still in an unsure and unsteady state with this new man - groping about to find a firmer footing in life.
Getting curious or even jealous only removes you further from your goal of getting back your wife.
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