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Differences Between Zoom Binoculars & Switch-Power Binoculars

Power Rating Designations.
Zoom binoculars are designated by the "dash" between its power ratings (i.
10-22 X 50).
Switch/power binoculars have their power ratings separated by a "slash" (i.
10/17 X35).
Much of the confusion probably centers on the fact that many consumers overlook this dash or slash and assume both to mean the same thing.
Those are not typing mistakes, but rather specific markings to identify and to separate both the zoom binoculars and the switch/power binoculars.
Magnification Ranges Zoom power can be set at any of the magnification levels within the binoculars listed power range.
In our example above, the settings could step from 10X to 11X to 12X, and upward to include 22X.
With switch/power ratings there is a choice of only two settings.
In our above example, the binoculars can be set to either a power rating of 10X or 17X.
There are no settings in between.
Operations and Synchronization.
Binoculars are actually two independent telescopes that must work in synchronization to ensure what is presented in one eyepiece is identical to what is presented in the other eyepiece.
This dual presentation determines to a great deal whether the image is clear, bright, and focused.
With zoom binoculars the change in magnification is done primarily through the use of a linkage band.
Can you visualize the leather belt that was used years ago to drive sawmill and threshing machine operations? The zoom principle is similar.
As the belt (linkage band) rotates both wheels (ocular lenses) simultaneously move in synchronization.
This flexible metal linkage band connects to both rear ocular lenses of the binoculars.
As the linkage band is moved from one power settings to another both the left and right ocular lenses ideally will change precisely to the identical power settings.
However, with zoom binoculars it is difficult to maintain perfect synchronization between both lenses and some additional adjustments often are necessary to bring both eyepieces back into focus.
Switch/power binoculars do not have to deal with a series of different step power settings.
One selects either of the two power ratings.
There are no options in between.
The change of magnification is done with a switch located in front of the focus dial.
This switch quickly, easily, and instantly changes the binoculars power setting from one magnification level to the other.
With zoom binoculars you have a single unit with a series of different power settings.
In a switch/power binocular you have closer to two different binoculars in one model.
Since both the zoom and the switch/power binoculars are both fairly new in terms of binocular history, expect some modifications, improvements, and tweaking.
At this time it appears that the switch/power models have been more readily accepted (at a far greater price), but both binocular types are popular among specific groups of consumers.
The following are some name brand manufacturers with popular versions of these binoculars in the marketplace: Bushnell: 8-26 X 40 Power View Zoom Binoculars (around $100).
Nikon: 8-24 X 25 Eagle View Zoom Binoculars (around $150).
Leupold: 7/12 X 32 Gold Ring Switch/Power Binoculars (over $850).
Leupold: 10/17 X 42 Gold Ring Switch/Power Binoculars (over $1000).
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