Buying beads is a very complicated thing if you are just starting out with this hobby.
At first, you can become mesmerized by the vast assortment you will find--beads of all sizes, shaped, colors; beads made of all types of materials.
So before you even begin, there are just a few things you need to know in advance.
This article will help you get yourself organized.
If all you want to do is collect beads, this is okay, but if you actually want to make something you will need to have a plan and stick with that plan.
Remember that the beads in the store are just a small portion of all the available beads and you will never, ever see them all in one place.
So, if you plan to make a necklace, a bracelet, or a pair of earrings, then you need to look for just the beads that will work with your idea.
If you are making, let's say, and ankle bracelet then you will not want to buy really large beads.
A necklace can use large beads but maybe you want to just use a large bead for a focal point.
See how this can be a problem? That is why you need to approach this project with a firm plan.
If buying beads on a string, you will need to know the length of the strand and the size of the bead to determine just exactly how many beads you are buying.
You will also need to know the length of your finished project so you can accurately purchase the number of beads you will need.
You may be thinking, "What's the big deal? So what if you end up with extras?" If you are strictly a hobbyist, there is no problem because if this is your hobby you don't worry about the actual cost as much as the fun you have making the project.
However, if you make beaded jewelry to sell, you need to make sure that you don't purchase too many beads to keep the overhead down.
As you can see, beading for fun or profit can present you with a few problems.
I hope this will not keep you from trying out this fun hobby.
You can make beautiful items quite easily and give them as gifts.
Beaded items are cost effective and you will have a great time making each project.
Many people make good money selling beaded jewelry online and at craft fairs.
Maybe you can be one of those people, too.
At first, you can become mesmerized by the vast assortment you will find--beads of all sizes, shaped, colors; beads made of all types of materials.
So before you even begin, there are just a few things you need to know in advance.
This article will help you get yourself organized.
- The first thing to know is what, exactly, do you plan to do with these beads?
If all you want to do is collect beads, this is okay, but if you actually want to make something you will need to have a plan and stick with that plan.
Remember that the beads in the store are just a small portion of all the available beads and you will never, ever see them all in one place.
So, if you plan to make a necklace, a bracelet, or a pair of earrings, then you need to look for just the beads that will work with your idea.
- The second thing to know is what size bead you plan to use.
If you are making, let's say, and ankle bracelet then you will not want to buy really large beads.
A necklace can use large beads but maybe you want to just use a large bead for a focal point.
See how this can be a problem? That is why you need to approach this project with a firm plan.
- The third thing is, how to accurately determine the number of beads you will need.
If buying beads on a string, you will need to know the length of the strand and the size of the bead to determine just exactly how many beads you are buying.
You will also need to know the length of your finished project so you can accurately purchase the number of beads you will need.
You may be thinking, "What's the big deal? So what if you end up with extras?" If you are strictly a hobbyist, there is no problem because if this is your hobby you don't worry about the actual cost as much as the fun you have making the project.
However, if you make beaded jewelry to sell, you need to make sure that you don't purchase too many beads to keep the overhead down.
As you can see, beading for fun or profit can present you with a few problems.
I hope this will not keep you from trying out this fun hobby.
You can make beautiful items quite easily and give them as gifts.
Beaded items are cost effective and you will have a great time making each project.
Many people make good money selling beaded jewelry online and at craft fairs.
Maybe you can be one of those people, too.