Plastic surgery is often believed to make people perfect. Such belief has become so widespread, that some sources state that about 10% of patients, going to plastic surgeons, as detected to suffer from Body dysmorphic disorder or BDD. BDD, previously known as Dysmorphophobia is a psychological anxiety disorder in which the affected person is excessively concerned about and preoccupied by a perceived defect in his or her physical features (). In other words, people with this condition can be good-looking, but view themselves as ugly.
Some plastic surgeons, like Sergei Kyylo from Villa Medica ( state that sooner or later, they are to be issued with a checklist to weed out the increasing number of patients with BDD. The main reason is that those patients are never satisfied with their appearance and undergo repeated cosmetic surgeries, which finally, leads to number of health problems.Â
The wide availability, affordable costs of cosmetic surgery and the rise of celebrity culture have fuelled this demand. Anyone obsessed with celebrity's body part may request, for example, Jennifer Lopez's backside, Angelina Jolie's lips, Naomi Campbell's cheekbones, etc. This creates false belief that looking behind a celebrity will bring desired levels of beauty, desire and success. Unfortunately, addicts fail to realize that each person has unique features, and trying to tailor someone else's is a recipe for disaster. Especially when post-procedure high fades, life goes back to normal and all the mundane problems come back…
The most common example of BDD is customer behavior after application of beauty injections like Botox or Restilane. These injections are used to reduce facial wrinkles or make lips corrections. One of studies (Baaps) shows 40% of patients using beauty injections expressed a compulsive drive for further treatment. Villa Medica ( reports majority of plastic surgery addictives are those making beauty treatments.
If we talk about particular people, one of remarkable examples is the appearance of Jocelyn Wildenstein, the 60-year-old US socialite. She was dubbed "Catwoman" and "the Bride of Wildenstein" after she spent a reported ?2m on plastic surgery. Inevitably, celebrities are also in this list. Plastic surgery operations for 2 Russian actress, listed as the most beautiful in Russia (Gurchenko, Alevtova), resulted in faces which lack mimics and can not produce even a smile.
If you suspect reletives might be plastic surgery addictive, there are a few things to determine whether it's true. Someone who:
· are often obsessive about checking their appearance;
· might be obsessive about the looks of a favorite celebrity or two are likely plastic surgery addictive. If you notice these signs in someone you love, seek professional counseling, because the problem goes far deeper than the appearance on the outside. BDD and plastic surgery addiction are serious and potentially devastating, psychological problems.
And what's the doctor got to do with it? Psychological treatment of BDD patients may require doing things only one, refrain completely from looking into the mirror, wearing different earrings, exposing her to negative spaces, etc. However, truth is in the beginning, when one comes into clinics. A good plastic surgeon is never going sell the idea of getting surgery, but rather giving idea of personal improvement, first of all, improvement without plastic surgery.
Some plastic surgeons, like Sergei Kyylo from Villa Medica ( state that sooner or later, they are to be issued with a checklist to weed out the increasing number of patients with BDD. The main reason is that those patients are never satisfied with their appearance and undergo repeated cosmetic surgeries, which finally, leads to number of health problems.Â
The wide availability, affordable costs of cosmetic surgery and the rise of celebrity culture have fuelled this demand. Anyone obsessed with celebrity's body part may request, for example, Jennifer Lopez's backside, Angelina Jolie's lips, Naomi Campbell's cheekbones, etc. This creates false belief that looking behind a celebrity will bring desired levels of beauty, desire and success. Unfortunately, addicts fail to realize that each person has unique features, and trying to tailor someone else's is a recipe for disaster. Especially when post-procedure high fades, life goes back to normal and all the mundane problems come back…
The most common example of BDD is customer behavior after application of beauty injections like Botox or Restilane. These injections are used to reduce facial wrinkles or make lips corrections. One of studies (Baaps) shows 40% of patients using beauty injections expressed a compulsive drive for further treatment. Villa Medica ( reports majority of plastic surgery addictives are those making beauty treatments.
If we talk about particular people, one of remarkable examples is the appearance of Jocelyn Wildenstein, the 60-year-old US socialite. She was dubbed "Catwoman" and "the Bride of Wildenstein" after she spent a reported ?2m on plastic surgery. Inevitably, celebrities are also in this list. Plastic surgery operations for 2 Russian actress, listed as the most beautiful in Russia (Gurchenko, Alevtova), resulted in faces which lack mimics and can not produce even a smile.
If you suspect reletives might be plastic surgery addictive, there are a few things to determine whether it's true. Someone who:
· are often obsessive about checking their appearance;
· might be obsessive about the looks of a favorite celebrity or two are likely plastic surgery addictive. If you notice these signs in someone you love, seek professional counseling, because the problem goes far deeper than the appearance on the outside. BDD and plastic surgery addiction are serious and potentially devastating, psychological problems.
And what's the doctor got to do with it? Psychological treatment of BDD patients may require doing things only one, refrain completely from looking into the mirror, wearing different earrings, exposing her to negative spaces, etc. However, truth is in the beginning, when one comes into clinics. A good plastic surgeon is never going sell the idea of getting surgery, but rather giving idea of personal improvement, first of all, improvement without plastic surgery.