Binding Placement Basics
Having your bindings/boots properly set up on your wakeboard is important to maintain comfort while riding and to match your board riding skill level. How a rider stands on a wakeboard is called a "stance." There are different stances that work best with beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders.
You must first determine which foot will ride forward, or in front, on the wakeboard. If you don't know, use my article "Which Foot Forward?
" to help make your decision.
Wakeboards and binding plates (the plate on which the boot rests) come with multiple pre-drilled holes that allow you to easily change the angle and position of the bindings on the board. The angle at which the binding is placed on the board is referred to as "degrees," just like in geometry.
The width at which the bindings will be apart can be determined by jumping up in the air. However your feet land naturally on the ground will most likely be the width apart at which you'll set your bindings. It is usually shoulder width apart.
Tip: Get in the practice of making sure your bindings are snug and secure before you hit the water. Taking this extra step can help prevent injuries.
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Beginner - Recreational Stance for Wakeboard Binding Set-Up
This stance is good for learning deepwater starts, forward riding, turning and carving, and basic jumps and hops. The rear binding needs to go fairly far back on the board so that most of the rider's weight will press on the rear fin, making the board easier to control and navigate.
Back Binding - Zero degrees at the backmost position on the board.
Front Binding - Pointing towards the front of the board at a 15 - 27 degree angle (2-3 holes from the center of the binding plate).
Place at a natural distance from the rear binding.
Once you've had your share of time on the water and your skills improve you can begin moving the bindings forward a little bit. Tricks tend to be easier with the bindings more in the center of the board. A centered stance aids in spins, riding backwards (fakie) surface tricks, and more. Your goal is to gradually lessen the angle degree of the front foot.
Back Binding - Zero to nine degrees - one hole from the back.
Front Binding - Approximately 18 degrees - about 4-5 holes back.
When you get to the point that you are comfortable riding forwards and backwards it is time to try for a more neutral stance, slightly back from the center of the board. This stance most resembles your stance while standing on land, with feet slightly angled outward, somewhat like a duck's stance. This stance gives you the ability to perform the same going either direction.
Back Binding - Nine degrees - about three holes from the back.
Front Binding - Nine degrees - about four holes from the front.
Having your bindings/boots properly set up on your wakeboard is important to maintain comfort while riding and to match your board riding skill level. How a rider stands on a wakeboard is called a "stance." There are different stances that work best with beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders.
You must first determine which foot will ride forward, or in front, on the wakeboard. If you don't know, use my article "Which Foot Forward?
" to help make your decision.
Wakeboards and binding plates (the plate on which the boot rests) come with multiple pre-drilled holes that allow you to easily change the angle and position of the bindings on the board. The angle at which the binding is placed on the board is referred to as "degrees," just like in geometry.
The width at which the bindings will be apart can be determined by jumping up in the air. However your feet land naturally on the ground will most likely be the width apart at which you'll set your bindings. It is usually shoulder width apart.
Tip: Get in the practice of making sure your bindings are snug and secure before you hit the water. Taking this extra step can help prevent injuries.
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Beginner - Recreational Stance for Wakeboard Binding Set-Up
This stance is good for learning deepwater starts, forward riding, turning and carving, and basic jumps and hops. The rear binding needs to go fairly far back on the board so that most of the rider's weight will press on the rear fin, making the board easier to control and navigate.
Back Binding - Zero degrees at the backmost position on the board.
Front Binding - Pointing towards the front of the board at a 15 - 27 degree angle (2-3 holes from the center of the binding plate).
Place at a natural distance from the rear binding.
Once you've had your share of time on the water and your skills improve you can begin moving the bindings forward a little bit. Tricks tend to be easier with the bindings more in the center of the board. A centered stance aids in spins, riding backwards (fakie) surface tricks, and more. Your goal is to gradually lessen the angle degree of the front foot.
Back Binding - Zero to nine degrees - one hole from the back.
Front Binding - Approximately 18 degrees - about 4-5 holes back.
When you get to the point that you are comfortable riding forwards and backwards it is time to try for a more neutral stance, slightly back from the center of the board. This stance most resembles your stance while standing on land, with feet slightly angled outward, somewhat like a duck's stance. This stance gives you the ability to perform the same going either direction.
Back Binding - Nine degrees - about three holes from the back.
Front Binding - Nine degrees - about four holes from the front.