How many success stories have you seen? Do you imagine what it would be like to tell your boss what he can do with his job?
How about picturing what life would be like if you could get up every day and just choose what you want to do, knowing that all the bills are taken care of and that there'll always be enough money in the bank to let you do whatever you want and whenever you want to do it?
Sounds good doesn't it? Does that sort of life look good to you? How would you feel if it was you in one of those success stories? Well, ask yourself this: why not? Why not make that decision that it's finally time for YOU to be the success story! Stop daydreaming and make it happen.
I can almost hear you saying, "But I don't know what to do and I've got to take the kids to school and get to work and when I come home I've got my favourite program to watch on TV and...and..." Sound familiar?
The thing is, we see the success stories but we don't take in the one single common secret to success that they ALL have, and that is that they took the right action. Yes, I know you've heard it all before: take action, take action blah, blah, blah. It seems such a pain!
But just think about it. Close your eyes and think about the last time you were enjoying yourself. I mean really enjoying yourself. It doesn't matter what or when it was, just picture what you were doing at the time; what you could hear; what was going on around you; who you were with; how you were feeling; and what you were doing. Got it?
Ok. Now, whatever it was you were doing, the important thing is that you were DOING. I mean you were actually taking some sort of action - no matter what it was. But did it feel like hard work? Did it feel an uphill battle to do whatever it was or were you so simply lost in the moment that you weren't really thinking of anything else except the pleasure and enjoyment that you were feeling?
You see, for the people in the success stories, they found a way of getting that feeling into the actions they needed to do in order to become a success. They CHOSE the path they followed because they enjoyed what it would bring and the journey itself to get there. OK, so they maybe had a few hiccups along the way but that's no more than a temporary thing.
They became the success story simply because they set off with an attitude of success; an attitude of enjoying the actions they needed to do in order to get there. So, in the end, getting there was just about a done deal.
So, review your daydreams and make the decision that it's now time for YOU to be the success story. Don't accept what you've got if you're not happy with it. Everyone deserves the life of their dreams and with an online business everyone has the potential for great things. You just have to take the right actions!
How about picturing what life would be like if you could get up every day and just choose what you want to do, knowing that all the bills are taken care of and that there'll always be enough money in the bank to let you do whatever you want and whenever you want to do it?
Sounds good doesn't it? Does that sort of life look good to you? How would you feel if it was you in one of those success stories? Well, ask yourself this: why not? Why not make that decision that it's finally time for YOU to be the success story! Stop daydreaming and make it happen.
I can almost hear you saying, "But I don't know what to do and I've got to take the kids to school and get to work and when I come home I've got my favourite program to watch on TV and...and..." Sound familiar?
The thing is, we see the success stories but we don't take in the one single common secret to success that they ALL have, and that is that they took the right action. Yes, I know you've heard it all before: take action, take action blah, blah, blah. It seems such a pain!
But just think about it. Close your eyes and think about the last time you were enjoying yourself. I mean really enjoying yourself. It doesn't matter what or when it was, just picture what you were doing at the time; what you could hear; what was going on around you; who you were with; how you were feeling; and what you were doing. Got it?
Ok. Now, whatever it was you were doing, the important thing is that you were DOING. I mean you were actually taking some sort of action - no matter what it was. But did it feel like hard work? Did it feel an uphill battle to do whatever it was or were you so simply lost in the moment that you weren't really thinking of anything else except the pleasure and enjoyment that you were feeling?
You see, for the people in the success stories, they found a way of getting that feeling into the actions they needed to do in order to become a success. They CHOSE the path they followed because they enjoyed what it would bring and the journey itself to get there. OK, so they maybe had a few hiccups along the way but that's no more than a temporary thing.
They became the success story simply because they set off with an attitude of success; an attitude of enjoying the actions they needed to do in order to get there. So, in the end, getting there was just about a done deal.
So, review your daydreams and make the decision that it's now time for YOU to be the success story. Don't accept what you've got if you're not happy with it. Everyone deserves the life of their dreams and with an online business everyone has the potential for great things. You just have to take the right actions!