Home & Garden Cooking

Hand Painted Pottery Pig and Tain Pottery of Scotland

Hand painted pottery pigs has been one of the specialties of the potters of Scotland since 1882. Of course this is not the only item they produce but they are also apt at manufacturing other species like the pottery cats and flower decorated animals as well. On the other hand Tain pottery is another popular species of Scottish potter works.
Wemyss Ware the Combination of Old and NewBoth older versions as well as the newest versions of pottery works created in Scotland are known as Wemyss Ware. In essence; Wemyss Ware is the combination of old and new potteries. First manufactured in Kirkcaldy, many new ideas have evolved over the years with the passage of time.
Pottery TypesUsually the handmade pottery works include large and colorful flowers, hearts and various other symbols. All these are hand painted using figurines, candlesticks, pots, buttons, bedroom sets, inkstands, and jardinières. Decoration as well as prices for different versions varies widely.
Sale PointsOriginally the stocks were sold near the factory only but later were made available in London as well. Thereafter there was no looking back for the manufacturers till 1957 when it was discontinued. But the design reappeared in 1985 and was finally got the registered trademark in 1994.
Tain PotteryAnother very popular and well known handmade pottery in Scotland is the Tain pottery. In fact, Tain pottery is the manufacturers of high quality pottery works based on traditional crafts and skills. Covering diverse methods and techniques, these works are jiggered, jollied, extruded, as well as pressed. Since it made its first appearance in the market way back in the year 1981, it has been gaining in popularity. Fired to vitrification at 1280 degrees centigrade, the centigrade for elimination of porosity, they are used in microwaves, freezers, ovens, as well as in dishwashers.
Glaze Factors in Pottery WorksPrincipal clay body that is used in stoneware of the Tain pottery has a wide range of glaze factors. However, in most cases the hand painted pottery works are created in such manner that the glaze would fit into the stoneware body, tried and tested. Original designs are all hand painted but new designs are often added to the range of colors and hues.
Whether it is ordinary dinnerware or some decorated ceramic bowl, these hand painted items from Scotland are thing of beauty and joy forever.
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