Though many men think of their penis as merely a love organ that has one main function, the health and wellness of the male unit goes far above and beyond a satisfying sex life.
In fact, penis health issues - if left untreated - can ultimately impact the health of the entire body.
Yes, that's right, the entire body.
Find out 5 things every many can start doing today to maintain penis health, so that he can enjoy a fantastic sex life and a healthy body overall.
Exercise:Well, this one may be a no-brainer, as every man knows he should be putting in at least a little exercise every day.
But what many men don't know is that hitting the treadmill has healthy benefits for mind, body - and manhood!Yup, getting that blood pumping pushes blood to all areas of the body and improves circulation, which means the penis enjoys the benefits of increased oxygen and nutrients.
A healthy circulatory system also reduces a man's chance of falling victim to the dreaded erectile dysfunction, as poor circulation is one of the major contributing factors to a man not being able to get it up.
PC Flexes: Sometimes known as "male Kegels" men who exercise the pubococcygeus muscles have reported improvement in male incontinence and stronger, more powerful orgasms.
Bonus!To find the muscles, a man can stop the flow of urine mid-stream - got 'em?Okay, now just like any other strength training, he needs to regularly flex those muscles; luckily, no gym membership is required.
Simply flex the PC muscles, hold for a slow count of 5, release and repeat; do 3 sets of 10 reps, 3x a day - working up to 25 reps as the muscles get stronger.
Self-examination: Sure, taking a mirror to one's nether regions my not be on the top of the to-do list for most men, but it should be.
Regular self-exams are an excellent way to stay apprised with changes in the region.
Not only does the area need to be thoroughly surveyed; a man also needs to get hands-on and feel around for lumps, bumps or tender areas.
Male self-examination can turn up testicular cancer, penile cancer, as well as sexually transmitted infections - all of which can be very serious if they are not treated in a timely manner.
So take 15 minutes once a month to become better acquainted with the boys downstairs! 4.
Protect: Ever since junior high sex education, it has been pounded into the male psyche that condoms are important during sex, yet some men may still tune that little voice in their head out from time to time and skip the protection-especially in the heat of the moment.
But believe it or not, that sex ed teacher was right.
Condoms are the best form of protection from sexual infections, aside from abstinence.
Additionally, getting regularly tested for STI's -- including HIV/AIDS -- is imperative for every man who is sexually active - particularly if he is not in a monogamous relationship.
Remember, just asking the other person if they are "clean" is not enough, as some people are asymptomatic carriers- meaning they have an active virus in their body but no symptoms.
Practice Good Hygiene:Nobody wants to be the smelly kid in class, and even worse is the smelly guy in the bedroom.
Obviously, taking regular showers is important to "de-smellifying" the region, but there is even more a man can do to stay shower fresh all day long.
Simply applying apenis health cream(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the area after each shower can help beat odor that shower gels and soaps leave behind.
Be sure to choose a male penis cream that contains vitamin A, as it works to fight the bacteria that are the number one cause of a smelly undercarriage.
In fact, penis health issues - if left untreated - can ultimately impact the health of the entire body.
Yes, that's right, the entire body.
Find out 5 things every many can start doing today to maintain penis health, so that he can enjoy a fantastic sex life and a healthy body overall.
Exercise:Well, this one may be a no-brainer, as every man knows he should be putting in at least a little exercise every day.
But what many men don't know is that hitting the treadmill has healthy benefits for mind, body - and manhood!Yup, getting that blood pumping pushes blood to all areas of the body and improves circulation, which means the penis enjoys the benefits of increased oxygen and nutrients.
A healthy circulatory system also reduces a man's chance of falling victim to the dreaded erectile dysfunction, as poor circulation is one of the major contributing factors to a man not being able to get it up.
PC Flexes: Sometimes known as "male Kegels" men who exercise the pubococcygeus muscles have reported improvement in male incontinence and stronger, more powerful orgasms.
Bonus!To find the muscles, a man can stop the flow of urine mid-stream - got 'em?Okay, now just like any other strength training, he needs to regularly flex those muscles; luckily, no gym membership is required.
Simply flex the PC muscles, hold for a slow count of 5, release and repeat; do 3 sets of 10 reps, 3x a day - working up to 25 reps as the muscles get stronger.
Self-examination: Sure, taking a mirror to one's nether regions my not be on the top of the to-do list for most men, but it should be.
Regular self-exams are an excellent way to stay apprised with changes in the region.
Not only does the area need to be thoroughly surveyed; a man also needs to get hands-on and feel around for lumps, bumps or tender areas.
Male self-examination can turn up testicular cancer, penile cancer, as well as sexually transmitted infections - all of which can be very serious if they are not treated in a timely manner.
So take 15 minutes once a month to become better acquainted with the boys downstairs! 4.
Protect: Ever since junior high sex education, it has been pounded into the male psyche that condoms are important during sex, yet some men may still tune that little voice in their head out from time to time and skip the protection-especially in the heat of the moment.
But believe it or not, that sex ed teacher was right.
Condoms are the best form of protection from sexual infections, aside from abstinence.
Additionally, getting regularly tested for STI's -- including HIV/AIDS -- is imperative for every man who is sexually active - particularly if he is not in a monogamous relationship.
Remember, just asking the other person if they are "clean" is not enough, as some people are asymptomatic carriers- meaning they have an active virus in their body but no symptoms.
Practice Good Hygiene:Nobody wants to be the smelly kid in class, and even worse is the smelly guy in the bedroom.
Obviously, taking regular showers is important to "de-smellifying" the region, but there is even more a man can do to stay shower fresh all day long.
Simply applying apenis health cream(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the area after each shower can help beat odor that shower gels and soaps leave behind.
Be sure to choose a male penis cream that contains vitamin A, as it works to fight the bacteria that are the number one cause of a smelly undercarriage.