Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Building Solid Traffic With Backlinks

Many companies put up a web sites with the hope of attracting new clients from the growing web communities.
What usually happens is they get nothing for their time cost and effort.
There are reasons that websites attract visitors and there are also reasons they do not.
A web site is not in itself an advertisement.
Its an advertisement space, web real-estate and nothing more.
No one has a website listing directory delivered like a newspaper, The closest thing to that are the search engines which are essentially machines that act on our human impulse.
In fact, no one will go to your website unless you specifically invite them, or they happen to stumble upon it when they are randomly searching the web for something else.
Which is why a web site actually needs to be actively marketed, in other words you need to advertise your website with either Pay-per-click strategies, give-aways or by attracting visitors by more astute methods like Back-links obtained from other websites and suitable online authority sites Anyone starting a website business needs to build traffic to that site.
Its really that simple.
There are a lot of great ways to do this and each one has a specific aim.
However the overall intent of web based advertising is to build authority in their niche, to increase their Search engine rankings and then to ultimately earn Authority to drive FREE search engine traffic.
Generally speaking, search engine authority is earned in a multitude of ways and some are more effective than others in this regard.
Now search engines grant Page rank to authority sites based upon certain criteria.
Popularity with other websites is one such measure of a websites success in the eyes of the search engines.
Volumes have been written about how to earn website authority and it depends upon who you speak to as to what opinion you may get in return.
Absolutely the best way that a website can show popularity is for other websites to link to that site.
This is achieved by the other website having a "back-link" to your site.
Backlinks are essentially a silent form of endorsement from one website to another.
But some are worth much much more than others.
For example, if you are the website owner of Website A and someone is browsing your site, then it is possible that this person will see a hyperlink or an advertisement for Website B and they click that link and go visit the other site from your site.
This is a backlink from website A to website B.
Backlinks are also referred to as "in-bound links", "one way links" and even "reciprocal links" because most websites demand a link to them from you before they are willing to grant you one from them, hence the name reciprocal.
However this is not always the case.
Many of the links that websites have are designed to create a path to another website or resource that take visitors from one website to another.
These links are usually grouped together on a links page especially set aside for them or in a resource section of the website that is itself linked on the first page.
Blogs can also put links in the sidebar or directly in a post depending on the nature of the link etc.
The important thing to note is that backlinks have the potential to bring visitors to your website.
Once visitors come to your web site, you can turn them into clients, product sales, newsletter subscribers, commissions and a whole lot more.
So why are backlinks so important? Firstly, the obvious, is direct traffic to your site.
which can become sales for you.
Secondly, when done correctly, "backlinking" can sky-rocket your search engine rankings and eventually brings even more "organic" traffic which is the Nirvana of most website owners.
free traffic, there is nothing quit like free traffic Thirdly, backlinks can create consistent visitors and consistent expectations in terms of your revenue stream.
Sending out newsletters and giving webimars often bring you immediate "bursts" of traffic.
Bursts of traffic are great, but require you to make those additional efforts in order to continue to get that traffic.
Backlinking builds a steady, consistent, and predictable stream of traffic that keeps coming without additional effort on your part.
And finally we have the "snowball-effect".
Creative backlinking strategies can create a situation where your web site is attracting more backlinks without you doing any work at all.
Which makes the site self promoting and therefor automated, at least for some traffic strategies.
So to recap: In the eyes of the search engines, your website's "worth" increases exponentially with its increasing popularity measured in part by the number of backlinks that it has accumulated over time.
So basically each backlink raises the popularity of your web site.
It's like having a huge following on twitter for example, The more followers you have the more people want to follow you.
its one of the most basic fundamental human traits, and stems from our most basic tribal instincts.
As your page rank rises so does the overall Authority of your website, that is recognized and rewarded by the search engines.
This is why building backlinks is one of the fastest and most profitable strategy for growing your business.
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