Insurance Renters Insurance

Preparing For a Wildfire

Few events are more terrifying than a wildfire threatening your home and the safety of your family.
Even if the fire misses your home by a mile, you're still faced with the prospect of heavy smoke, evacuation under duress, and the worry of where all your family members are and how to get in touch with them.
Below are a few steps that every homeowner should take to make sure they are prepared for the financial and safety impact of a wildfire event: 1.
Verify your Homeowners Policy Coverage Limit - most insurance carriers will provide an estimated replacement value for your home.
However, the ultimate responsibility for determining the value lies with you the policyholder.
The rebuilding values have historically been much higher in Santa Barbara.
Local Contractors Association can help as well.
Inventory your Belongings - most individuals have access to a video camera and should take time to video all of their property [open your drawers, too!] In the event of a loss, the policyholder will be required to provide evidence of their destroyed property in order to obtain insurance funds.
Remember to store this inventory video off-site along with appraisals for valuable items, such as fine art or jewelry [and a copy of your insurance policy].
Remain in Compliance with Brush Clearance Requirements - The path of a wildfire is unpredictable; the best way to protect your home is by clearing brush to at least a 200 foot perimeter and properly maintain your property by removing dead ground cover and debris.
Utilize Wildfire Devices and Services - New technologies are available for combating a wildfire event, including exterior foam dispensers, roof mountain sprinkler systems, eave/attic and ground vent screens.
Many insurance carriers are taking an aggressive approach to wildfire prevention by providing on site consultations and fire retardant applications.
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