Finding a cure for hair loss is guaranteed to make you rich.
That's one of the reasons scientists and medical researchers are constantly coming up with new studies related to hair loss.
A lot of them never make it into products: some are found later not to work after all, while others are not easily marketable, and others just never make it through the bureaucratic process of getting the product approved by FDA.
Still, some of these substances might actually work.
Everyone already knows about the three best-sellers: Finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral.
But what about more exotic things, the ones that get publicity in medical journals but not in mainstream media? Here's three topical hair loss remedies you've probably never even heard of: 1.
Chinese hibiscus The flowers of the plant are traditionally used in India to help with baldness.
The sad truth is that most traditional remedies do nothing.
Topically applied Chinese hibiscus, however, was found in a study to help rats grow back their hair.
One of the significant findings was that it's not the flowers that are the most effective part of the plant - it's the leaves.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Iron Iron is known by all, but what about 5-aminolevulinic acid? It's a substance that is found in almost all organisms.
It's used for plant growth and photodynamic therapy.
Apparently, applying the mixture topically improved hair growth in mice as much as 5% Minoxidil.
Asiasari radix In one study, an extract made from the root of the Asiasarum radix was the best hair loss remedy out of 45 different plant extracts.
The extract stimulated hair growth in both mice and human skin cells.
The effect was seen without any inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase type 2, which is considered to play a big role in hair loss.
That's one of the reasons scientists and medical researchers are constantly coming up with new studies related to hair loss.
A lot of them never make it into products: some are found later not to work after all, while others are not easily marketable, and others just never make it through the bureaucratic process of getting the product approved by FDA.
Still, some of these substances might actually work.
Everyone already knows about the three best-sellers: Finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral.
But what about more exotic things, the ones that get publicity in medical journals but not in mainstream media? Here's three topical hair loss remedies you've probably never even heard of: 1.
Chinese hibiscus The flowers of the plant are traditionally used in India to help with baldness.
The sad truth is that most traditional remedies do nothing.
Topically applied Chinese hibiscus, however, was found in a study to help rats grow back their hair.
One of the significant findings was that it's not the flowers that are the most effective part of the plant - it's the leaves.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid and Iron Iron is known by all, but what about 5-aminolevulinic acid? It's a substance that is found in almost all organisms.
It's used for plant growth and photodynamic therapy.
Apparently, applying the mixture topically improved hair growth in mice as much as 5% Minoxidil.
Asiasari radix In one study, an extract made from the root of the Asiasarum radix was the best hair loss remedy out of 45 different plant extracts.
The extract stimulated hair growth in both mice and human skin cells.
The effect was seen without any inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase type 2, which is considered to play a big role in hair loss.