- 1
Assemble several plastic resealable bags or stuff sacks to organize kit items by the following categories: blister kit, trauma, wound management, topical medications, over-the-counter medications, and prescription medications. - 2
Assemble at least the following items in your blister kit: adhesive bandages, gauze pads, athletic tape, moleskin, molefoam, second skin, benzoin tincture, duct tape and scissors. - 3
Consider the following items for your trauma kit: epinephrine syringe, latex gloves, micro-shield, airway, scissors, extractor, cravats, ace bandage, chemical cold packs, chemical heat packs, plastic resealable bags, trash bags, thermometer, rectal thermometer, signal mirror, extra lighter, wilderness first aid book. - 4
Assemble the following items for wound management: irrigation syringe, 10% povidone-iodine, antibiotic ointment, gauze pads, athletic tape, adhesive bandages, butterfly bandages, rolled gauze, tweezers, and iodine tablets to disinfect water. - 5
Consider the following topical medications: hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion, aloe vera gel, antibiotic ointment, antifungal creme, sunscreen and insect repellent. - 6). Consider the following over-the-counter medications: aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antihistamines, decongestants, antacids, decongestant spray, diarrhea medication, oral rehydration salts or electrolytes, and medication for motion sickness.
- 7). Consult a doctor for prescribed antibiotics to treat the following infections: skin, urinary tract, gastro-intestinal, sinus, ear, eye, respiratory and soft tissue.
- 8). Consult a doctor for additional prescribed medications: pain killers, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid cremes, and altitude illness medications (acetazolamide or dexamethasone).
- 9). Think about the particulars of your outing that may require special medications or supplies: snake habitats, cold climates, hot climates, malaria regions, children in your party, or long expeditions.