If you have ever been interested in purchasing a used car, then you probably know how essential it is to check the market value for the specific vehicle model, in which you are interested. Since most people buy used cars due to economical considerations, it would be a rather uncalculated decision to go into a purchase blindly without having any background knowledge of market values. The same applies for the used medical equipment market. However, unlike the used car industry, market values in the used medical equipment industry are not so easily-accessible.
With the need for used medical equipment on the rise, there are endless options for medical institutions to choose from on the market. Although used equipment is a more cost-effective solution, health institutions must be clued-in with the price depreciation rates for every device that they are looking into, which can vary greatly from device to device and is not always very easily accessible. Nevertheless, the knowledge of such information is essential as it can prevent buyers from being overcharged by sellers, gives them greater negotiation leverage, and keeps their already limited capital free for other expenses.
MedWOW.com, a leading global marketplace for pre-owned medical equipment has realized the need that exists in the used medical equipment industry to have access to true market values. In response, the site recently launched its Market Value Calculator feature, which enables its users to find the high, low, and average prices of any used medical device, part or accessory.
The Market Value Calculator works by analyzing the pricing trends on the extensive selection of used medical equipment that is currently or was previously posted on MedWOW. Users can modify their searches based on item type (i.e. complete system, part or accessory), medical category, device, manufacturer, model, part name or number (for parts), and year manufactured.
The feature has its clear cut advantages for buyers, but also offers MeWOW’s sellers an upper hand - access to the true market value will reduce sellers’ chances of overpricing or undercharging for items that they post for sale on the site, ultimately increasing their chances of selling. Currently MedWOW is the only website in its class offering users this feature, which is available to the site’s registered members as well as browsing users.
To view the Market Value Calculator, please visit http://www.medwow.com/market_value.php.
With the need for used medical equipment on the rise, there are endless options for medical institutions to choose from on the market. Although used equipment is a more cost-effective solution, health institutions must be clued-in with the price depreciation rates for every device that they are looking into, which can vary greatly from device to device and is not always very easily accessible. Nevertheless, the knowledge of such information is essential as it can prevent buyers from being overcharged by sellers, gives them greater negotiation leverage, and keeps their already limited capital free for other expenses.
MedWOW.com, a leading global marketplace for pre-owned medical equipment has realized the need that exists in the used medical equipment industry to have access to true market values. In response, the site recently launched its Market Value Calculator feature, which enables its users to find the high, low, and average prices of any used medical device, part or accessory.
The Market Value Calculator works by analyzing the pricing trends on the extensive selection of used medical equipment that is currently or was previously posted on MedWOW. Users can modify their searches based on item type (i.e. complete system, part or accessory), medical category, device, manufacturer, model, part name or number (for parts), and year manufactured.
The feature has its clear cut advantages for buyers, but also offers MeWOW’s sellers an upper hand - access to the true market value will reduce sellers’ chances of overpricing or undercharging for items that they post for sale on the site, ultimately increasing their chances of selling. Currently MedWOW is the only website in its class offering users this feature, which is available to the site’s registered members as well as browsing users.
To view the Market Value Calculator, please visit http://www.medwow.com/market_value.php.