Health & Medical Depression

Really Need Magnetic Stimulation For Depression?

The patient questioned as, I'm depressed for a lifetime, but usually by trial and combining the various antidepressants it was coming out. Now it is a long period in which nothing can lift me. My psychiatrist would undergo the "magnetic stimulation" by sending at a psychiatric ward where they do. A little 'me has explained this technique, and tried to reassure me. Meanwhile, he says, has nothing in common with electroshock (who, he says, is a great therapy, pain-free today), because in my head would not get any power. I am confused and I doubt his assurances. Can I get you an explanation?

Answered Healing Touches Doctors below:

"The transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS is a technique approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the resistant forms of depression, as seems the case with the writer. So it is not a tool of choice. We employ the subjects who do not have smart answers with medication and, in any case, always associated with drugs.

Its true; no electric current passes through the patient's head. Al which is put, for example, a circle around the head or ceramic coil, coil, where it is circulated current that creates a pulsed electromagnetic field. This stimulates certain brain areas. What we are concerned for depression is the right frontal area.

Throughout the session lasts ten minutes and if you make it 7-8. The patient does not feel anything; it can sometimes present a bit 'of redness to the head in the area corresponding to the area of the brain stimulated.

We did the TMS in combination with magnetic resonance imaging showing the structure of the brain, with the brain navigation, browsing through the areas of the brain, allows you to see exactly where it strikes the stimulation. And hopefully it can help to correct the roll.

The efficacy of this therapy? Let's say that the results are fair.

Like TMS, are used today, except for the electric shock, the other two therapies so-called "physical": the vagal stimulation and deep brain stimulation, or DBS.

The first is to introduce under the skin in the neck, an electrode on the vagus nerve is a stimulant that is continuing to stimulate certain brain areas. We say that is an antidepressant portable because it is on the patient, as is the case with the pacemaker for the heart. The principle is the same.

The deep brain stimulation is a bit 'more complex because the electrode should be placed inside the brain, then you need to drill into the skull. This technique is that the vagal do together with neurosurgeons. What is introduced, permanently, is a thin electrode, a feeding tube, which stimulates the nucleus accumbens of the brain.

This technique "TMS or RTMS" obviously is used for very severe, when depression is resistant to everything and never goes out.
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