- The shape and use of swords varied according to culture, but beginning in the 1400s the sword provided social status in Spain. Gentleman wore the rapier as part of everyday attire. In 1480, dueling was banned in Toledo, but fencing had become an art form. Italy set the stage for fencing traditions. The classical forms of fencing, which are disappearing, were established by the Italian, French and Hungarian.
- Dueling continued in Europe until the end of the 1800s, especially in Germany, but by the 1900s it was banned in Europe and fencing became a sport. As a sport, the sabre, the épée and the foil became the weapons used in fencing.
- The foil evolved in the 16th century. Although French master Liancour used different types of foils, today the foil consists of a tapered rectangular blade. It is lightweight and has a flexible end with a flattened tip.