Credit score range is very important from the borrowers' point of view. The credit score is viewed on a scale within a range from 330 to 850. The financial bureaus like Equifax, Trans Union and Experian design the credit score. The financial bureaus secure the data about the annual financial transactions of the borrowers from the lending institutions and create credit files separately. The greater the credit score of a borrower is, the greater his chance to obtain finance will be. The credit range is used by the lending agencies as the basis of terms and condition of loans, mortgages etc.
Credit score range is designed by the financial bureaus. They take the following into consideration to shape the credit score:
a) Payment history
b) Borrowed amount
c) Credit pattern
d) Payment accounts
e) Credit accounts etc.
The credit record of the borrowers decides what kind of treatment they will get from the lending agencies. The following are the status the borrower will have on the basis of their credit score range:
a) Credit score range between 330 and 579
The borrowers who have credit score below 580 are tagged with less payment, late payment, defaults, arrears, bankruptcies etc. The lenders, usually, do not like to offer them loans etc.
b) Credit score range between 580 and 619
The lenders are to take greater risk when they advance loans to the borrowers who have credit score of the above kind. The borrowers charge extremely high rates of interest.
c) Credit score range between 620 and 679.
The borrowers are considered less risky. They can secure loans but at moderately high rates of interest.
d) Credit score range between 680 and 729
The people having credit score within this range are welcome by the lending agencies. The lenders are to take less risk. Hence, they approve the loan application quickly and charge interest at moderate rates.
e) Credit score range between 720 and 799
The borrowers are offered greater amount of loans at favorable rates of interest.
f) Credit score range above 799
The borrowers get very good amount of loans at the best rates of interest. They are offered rewards too.
The borrowers should try to improve their credit score range so that they are favored by the lenders.
Credit score range is designed by the financial bureaus. They take the following into consideration to shape the credit score:
a) Payment history
b) Borrowed amount
c) Credit pattern
d) Payment accounts
e) Credit accounts etc.
The credit record of the borrowers decides what kind of treatment they will get from the lending agencies. The following are the status the borrower will have on the basis of their credit score range:
a) Credit score range between 330 and 579
The borrowers who have credit score below 580 are tagged with less payment, late payment, defaults, arrears, bankruptcies etc. The lenders, usually, do not like to offer them loans etc.
b) Credit score range between 580 and 619
The lenders are to take greater risk when they advance loans to the borrowers who have credit score of the above kind. The borrowers charge extremely high rates of interest.
c) Credit score range between 620 and 679.
The borrowers are considered less risky. They can secure loans but at moderately high rates of interest.
d) Credit score range between 680 and 729
The people having credit score within this range are welcome by the lending agencies. The lenders are to take less risk. Hence, they approve the loan application quickly and charge interest at moderate rates.
e) Credit score range between 720 and 799
The borrowers are offered greater amount of loans at favorable rates of interest.
f) Credit score range above 799
The borrowers get very good amount of loans at the best rates of interest. They are offered rewards too.
The borrowers should try to improve their credit score range so that they are favored by the lenders.