Family & Relationships

Private Preschoolling: The Vast Two Sided Enlightening Discussion

Many times a conversation will come up among parents regarding preschoolling. You can see where people's feeling lie when this subject is brought up as there are many who have different opinions on the subject. Some love the idea and feel it is a necessary part of childhood and others see no need for it at all.

The subject can raise a lot of opinions from opposing sides. A lot of people feel that if your child is not in preschool then you are a bad parent and denying them the opportunity to be a high achiever. They question parenting skills all of a sudden and doubt that a child will be ready for their primary education.

The other side of the fence will tell you that you do not have to be rushed to get your child into school. Relax and let your child be young for as long as possible. They can learn at home and enjoy you and your life as long as possible before the school years arrive.

Both points of view are just that, opinions. You have the final word and neither is wrong for your child. But there are sometimes extenuating circumstances; such as the work of the parents. Perhaps your child is in day care during the day. In this case being in a preschool may be more challenging and fun for them. Or perhaps you have an only child and they do not see a lot of people besides yourself.

A good part about preschool is that it gives a child a chance to socialize outside of the home. In addition to the learning potential they are learning behavioral issues that may not be taught in the home. Even good homes that raise good children benefit from their children learning to deal with others outside of their immediate environment.

But if a child has other outside sources where they socialize with other children then preschool may not be needed. If you attend a church and they communicate and relate with other children on a regular basis for example, then they are getting this socialization. Many parents have educational learning at home that is parallel to a preschool environment as well.

While you ponder you will hear a lot more opinions on the subject but the ultimate decision is yours. Once you make the decision that you feel is best for your child then stick to it. You know your child better than anyone else and what they are, and are not, ready for. Keeping your child's best interest in mind first is being a good parent.
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