Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

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Introduction A healthy liver is essential to a healthy life.
In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, it is seen as the most critical element in the body's ability to fight disease and function optimally.
Although a healthy liver is vital to well being and is a main defense against disease, the incidence of liver damage in the United States, including often fatal cirrhosis, is increasing rapidly even among children.
The organ is essential for a good sex drive (libido) and if your liver is producing excessive amounts of the protein sex hormone binding globulin your libido may be poor.
Health The liver is very important in the digestion of food and produces bile which is essential in the breakdown of fats, thereby preventing obesity,one of the biggest contributors to bad health.
A fatty liver contains an excessive amount of fat and the normal healthy liver tissue is partly replaced with areas of unhealthy fats.
Typical symptoms of liver problems include extreme tiredness, a feeling of general poor health, weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, itchy skin, and an enlarged or tender liver.
There are many everyday things that you can do to keep your liver healthy.
For this reason, complementary and holistic medicine always emphasizes liver health as one of the most vital components in overall systemic health.
A well designed liver tonic like DEEP Liver and Kidney Cleanse can support the renewal of new and healthy liver cells.
Cleansing I lost 5 pounds and about 2 inches off my waist by simply undergoing this liver cleansing program.
A good, all-purpose comprehensive herbal liver tonic consists of specific herbs and amino acids which will improve elimination and the reduction of waste via a cleansing effect on the bowel.
DEEP Liver and Kidney Cleanse is naturally cleansing the liver from drug abuse, liver cancer pain, pollution, environmental toxins, poor diet, tobacco, prescription drugs, and alcoholic hepatitis.
In addition, it can help cleansing, reducing pain, rejuvenate the over-worked liver and possibly even protect it from future damage.
You may purchase liver cleansing kits at your local health food store or online.
Natural Cleansing your liver is your next step on your toxic cleansing journey : The Natural Path to good health.
You will require a powerful multi-action synergistic natural liver formula that is able to support all aspects of liver function.
Such a tonic is a natural dietary supplement free of chemicals and drugs and is very safe to take on a long-term basis.
Naturally, one must change ones eating habits from the Standard American Diet (SAD) that created the problem in the first place to a diet rich in living foods.
For centuries, Asian cultures have been using teas and all natural herbs to help the body eliminate toxins.
Conclusion According to the Chinese, the liver and kidneys are the organs that "age" us.
That is why almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine are liver and kidney tonics.
A healthy liver is important for proper filtration of blood and formulation of bile.
A damaged liver is considered the root cause of various physical problems, and the functioning of the entire body gets toppled.
Not only did I feel 100% after my nights out- I have been feeling better and more healthy overall.
Indeed the healthy liver notonly burns fat, it can pump excessive fat out of your body through the bile into the gut.
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