The global financial crisis that has shaken the very foundations of the economies of the world has brought fort yet another predicament to people of all walks of life. Banks have tightened regulations and the slightest mistake can now cause ones bank account to become frozen. Minor acts and lawsuits are now grounds for bank account freezing proceedings. And with the tough times brought about by the economic meltdown it is now common for people to suddenly find their backs against the wall and thus are forced to take drastic actions that may cause them frozen bank accounts.
With massive inflation, rising commodity prices and mass job layoffs many are now left sulking incapable of saving themselves from the dilemma due to lack of finances. Yet there are also those who have enough money but have them kept in frozen bank accounts. Having money you cannot use is just like having no money at all. The circumstances have brought great anxiety to the people who now think that their money is not safe even in the hands of well known banks.
The 2-GetCash international debit card is the panacea to ease the anxiety of people about their bank accounts being in danger of being frozen. The 2GC debit card allows one to make use of a private offshore bank account he can access through all ATMs around the world with the said card. The said offshore bank account also known as primary account under the new Panaman Laws are unreachable by state rulings and therefore cannot be touched by the government in any way. The international debit card related offshore bank account in other words is freeze proof.
International Debit Card Features
1.Global - offered with a non-U.S. bank, the international debit card can be issued to residents of most countries in the world.
2.Everyone Qualifies the only qualification is the ability to pay for the card, un-banked and banked consumers of most countries in the world can qualify for the International Debit Card.
3.Instant Issuance - the cardholder's name is optional on the card; therefore the international debit card can be instantly issued.
4. Versatile Worldwide Applications - In addition to provide security of funds and convenience, the card makes an excellent payroll card that can be issued to employees everywhere. It can also be an excellent funds transfer card used by consumers to transfer and remit funds to families in the home country.
5.Accessibility the international debit card can be used to withdraw cash at more than 1,500,000 ATMs worldwide and to purchase products and services at 12 million merchant locations worldwide.
International Debit Card Holder Benefits
1.Convenience international debit cards act virtually the same as cash, only with much more security.
2.Security unused funds are securely being kept at the holders very own private offshore bank account.
3.No Annual Charges no annual fees are charged (the only time you have to pay is when you purchase the international debit card).
4.No Cash Conversion and Cash Transaction Charges holder can use his international debit card freely without extra charges by the provider.
5.Saving Paycheck Hassles and Risks payroll payments can be transferred directly via debit cards.
6.Security Features - such as PINs and no offline imprinter (on embossed cards) transactions also protect the holder against theft and fraud.
7.Fund Transfers holders can conveniently and inexpensively transfer funds to friends and relatives anywhere.
Get your 2-GetCash international debit card now and get rid of your worries and start managing your money with ease and convenience.
With massive inflation, rising commodity prices and mass job layoffs many are now left sulking incapable of saving themselves from the dilemma due to lack of finances. Yet there are also those who have enough money but have them kept in frozen bank accounts. Having money you cannot use is just like having no money at all. The circumstances have brought great anxiety to the people who now think that their money is not safe even in the hands of well known banks.
The 2-GetCash international debit card is the panacea to ease the anxiety of people about their bank accounts being in danger of being frozen. The 2GC debit card allows one to make use of a private offshore bank account he can access through all ATMs around the world with the said card. The said offshore bank account also known as primary account under the new Panaman Laws are unreachable by state rulings and therefore cannot be touched by the government in any way. The international debit card related offshore bank account in other words is freeze proof.
International Debit Card Features
1.Global - offered with a non-U.S. bank, the international debit card can be issued to residents of most countries in the world.
2.Everyone Qualifies the only qualification is the ability to pay for the card, un-banked and banked consumers of most countries in the world can qualify for the International Debit Card.
3.Instant Issuance - the cardholder's name is optional on the card; therefore the international debit card can be instantly issued.
4. Versatile Worldwide Applications - In addition to provide security of funds and convenience, the card makes an excellent payroll card that can be issued to employees everywhere. It can also be an excellent funds transfer card used by consumers to transfer and remit funds to families in the home country.
5.Accessibility the international debit card can be used to withdraw cash at more than 1,500,000 ATMs worldwide and to purchase products and services at 12 million merchant locations worldwide.
International Debit Card Holder Benefits
1.Convenience international debit cards act virtually the same as cash, only with much more security.
2.Security unused funds are securely being kept at the holders very own private offshore bank account.
3.No Annual Charges no annual fees are charged (the only time you have to pay is when you purchase the international debit card).
4.No Cash Conversion and Cash Transaction Charges holder can use his international debit card freely without extra charges by the provider.
5.Saving Paycheck Hassles and Risks payroll payments can be transferred directly via debit cards.
6.Security Features - such as PINs and no offline imprinter (on embossed cards) transactions also protect the holder against theft and fraud.
7.Fund Transfers holders can conveniently and inexpensively transfer funds to friends and relatives anywhere.
Get your 2-GetCash international debit card now and get rid of your worries and start managing your money with ease and convenience.