All men young and old have, at one point in time, longed to have a bigger equipment.
This desire is to strong that they even go through the lengths of buying all sorts of enhancer out there.
You don't have to look far to find out about them.
When you type in the right keywords in Google, you will be greeted with different kinds of medications and pills and pumps and hanging weights.
But what most men do not know is that what they deem to be small is actually just about enough, or average.
This means there is no need to ask for more because women don't really give it a second thought.
The size is not the be-all and end-all of sex.
The truth is, it doesn't even guarantee satisfaction.
If your thing is about 5 inches, you don't need to worry.
You're just one among the millions of white men who possess the same thing.
Just so you won't be the next person victimized by sneaky marketers selling all sorts of enhancement stuff, let's take a look into the most common penile enlargement products out there.
These are little mini-vacuums where you insert your penis into.
The goal is to vacuum your equipment in order for blood to come rushing towards the general direction of the tip.
Although this is fairly easy to perform, the complications are grave and serious.
The penis is not designed to be vacuumed and so many men have experienced unsightly issues such as numbness, blood vessels that have burst, and worse, impotence.
Of course this one never runs out of circulation.
They have not gone through the scrutiny of the FDA and are largely unregulated.
You will see nutrients and vitamins promised on advertisements, but in truth, they rarely contain those.
And if they do, those vitamins have no way of encouraging penile growth.
Countless laboratory tests have shown that no vitamin or mineral can make the penis grow.
Penile growth only happens during puberty, and it is a slow process that jives with age.
To say that a certain nutrient can enlarge the penis is a big, fat lie.
Instead of spending money on these scams, why not spend it on legitimate supplements that can boost your stamina and endurance during intercourse? That is so much better...
and safer.
Hanging weights.
These manufacturers can be quite creative.
In recent years, they have introduced weights that are supposedly effective for penis growth.
What you do with it is you suspend it on your thing while it's flaccid to supposedly lengthen the whole thing.
But just as vacuums and pills are ineffective, and so are these weights.
Worst case scenario is you will totally damage your thing from constantly hanging something on it.
This desire is to strong that they even go through the lengths of buying all sorts of enhancer out there.
You don't have to look far to find out about them.
When you type in the right keywords in Google, you will be greeted with different kinds of medications and pills and pumps and hanging weights.
But what most men do not know is that what they deem to be small is actually just about enough, or average.
This means there is no need to ask for more because women don't really give it a second thought.
The size is not the be-all and end-all of sex.
The truth is, it doesn't even guarantee satisfaction.
If your thing is about 5 inches, you don't need to worry.
You're just one among the millions of white men who possess the same thing.
Just so you won't be the next person victimized by sneaky marketers selling all sorts of enhancement stuff, let's take a look into the most common penile enlargement products out there.
These are little mini-vacuums where you insert your penis into.
The goal is to vacuum your equipment in order for blood to come rushing towards the general direction of the tip.
Although this is fairly easy to perform, the complications are grave and serious.
The penis is not designed to be vacuumed and so many men have experienced unsightly issues such as numbness, blood vessels that have burst, and worse, impotence.
Of course this one never runs out of circulation.
They have not gone through the scrutiny of the FDA and are largely unregulated.
You will see nutrients and vitamins promised on advertisements, but in truth, they rarely contain those.
And if they do, those vitamins have no way of encouraging penile growth.
Countless laboratory tests have shown that no vitamin or mineral can make the penis grow.
Penile growth only happens during puberty, and it is a slow process that jives with age.
To say that a certain nutrient can enlarge the penis is a big, fat lie.
Instead of spending money on these scams, why not spend it on legitimate supplements that can boost your stamina and endurance during intercourse? That is so much better...
and safer.
Hanging weights.
These manufacturers can be quite creative.
In recent years, they have introduced weights that are supposedly effective for penis growth.
What you do with it is you suspend it on your thing while it's flaccid to supposedly lengthen the whole thing.
But just as vacuums and pills are ineffective, and so are these weights.
Worst case scenario is you will totally damage your thing from constantly hanging something on it.