Colouring pictures of fairies may at first seem easy, but colouring like any other skill can be done well or badly.
Firstly there are the tools you will need.
These may depend on the type of picture you have.
For instance what is your picture printed on? If you have downloaded it from the net there is a good chance it is A4 computer paper.
This is not the best thing to colour on.
You would be better transferring your picture onto proper art paper and then colouring it in.
If you are doing this for a child then you may think it doesn't matter as they churn out lots of pictures of what seems to adults not a very high quality.
However, although you don't want to pay the earth for equipment, even a child needs good tools.
Parents often make the mistake of giving a child rubbish equipment, this can result in lack of enjoyment and loss of interest in the skill being taught.
A middle road is best.
There are many places to get your picture.
You can of course create it yourself.
Or you can download one of the many free or low cost fairy pictures on the net.
And there are also many books with pictures of fairies to colour.
Although often these are for children and an adult may prefer something more complex.
If you opt for transferring a picture onto art paper you can create a truly unique work of art.
You can use any of the traditional mediums like coloured pencil, acrylic or pastel when colouring pictures of fairies.
Or you could transfer your picture onto a digital art program and use that.
As you can see creating fairy pictures is more skilful than you may have first imagined and much more fun.
Firstly there are the tools you will need.
These may depend on the type of picture you have.
For instance what is your picture printed on? If you have downloaded it from the net there is a good chance it is A4 computer paper.
This is not the best thing to colour on.
You would be better transferring your picture onto proper art paper and then colouring it in.
If you are doing this for a child then you may think it doesn't matter as they churn out lots of pictures of what seems to adults not a very high quality.
However, although you don't want to pay the earth for equipment, even a child needs good tools.
Parents often make the mistake of giving a child rubbish equipment, this can result in lack of enjoyment and loss of interest in the skill being taught.
A middle road is best.
There are many places to get your picture.
You can of course create it yourself.
Or you can download one of the many free or low cost fairy pictures on the net.
And there are also many books with pictures of fairies to colour.
Although often these are for children and an adult may prefer something more complex.
If you opt for transferring a picture onto art paper you can create a truly unique work of art.
You can use any of the traditional mediums like coloured pencil, acrylic or pastel when colouring pictures of fairies.
Or you could transfer your picture onto a digital art program and use that.
As you can see creating fairy pictures is more skilful than you may have first imagined and much more fun.